• NLC Supports the Marketplace Fairness Act – Urges Quick Adoption

    NLC President released a statement in response to the introduction of the Marketplace Fairness Act saying, "We support quick adoption of Marketplace Fairness, which helps Main Street retailers by putting them on an equal footing with their online counterparts. The bill also gives back control to local governments over their own resources by removing another obstacle from Washington that prevents local governments from deciding what is best for their community."

  • National League of Cities Tells Congress to Address Aging Water Infrastructure

    The National League of Cities (NLC) told Congress today that the nation's water infrastructure is aging and that cities face a backlog of projects and funding challenges that were only made worse by the recent economic downturn.

  • Pollster Frank Luntz to Speak at Congressional City Conference Next Month

    Dr. Frank Luntz, celebrated pollster and political consultant, will address conference attendees at this year's Congressional City Conference in Washington this March. Luntz will speak to conference attendees at the opening general session on March 11, 2013. Luntz's insight and expertise on communication is critical now as NLC leaders seek to influence the national policy debate, both in Washington and throughout the country.

  • Mayor Coleman Helps Launch New Afterschool Programs Publication

    NLC First Vice President Chris Coleman, mayor, St. Paul, MN, spoke at the launch of a new publication highlighting the success of afterschool programming today at the National Press Club. Standing with other national and local leaders in the education and afterschool fields, Coleman stressed the importance of collaboration among city, school district and community partners to support afterschool opportunities.

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