The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief: Fiscal Year 2007 Operational Plan June 2007 Update


I. List of Acronyms

II. Introduction

III. Overview
Table 1: Sources of Funding FY 2005 � FY 2007
Table 2: Emergency Plan
Table 3: Approved Funding by Program Area: All Countries

IV. Focus Country Activities
Introduction: Focus Country Activities
Table 4: FY 2005-2007 Focus Country Budget Allocations
Table 5: FY 2007 Budget for Focus Countries
Table 6: FY 2007 Budget for Focus Countries

V. Other PEPFAR Countries
Introduction: Other PEPFAR Countries
Table 7: FY 2005, 2006 and 2007 Funding Totals for Other PEPFAR Countries
Table 8: FY 2007 Funding for Other PEPFAR Countries, by Agency and Account
Summary Program Descriptions: Other PEPFAR Countries

VI. Central Programs
Introduction: Central Programs
Table 9: FY 2007 Budget for Central Programs

  • Abstinence and Be Faithful (AB)
  • Antiretroviral Treatment (ART)
  • Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Affected by HIV/AIDS
  • Blood Transfusion Safety
  • Safe Medical Injections
  • Drug Quality Assurance
  • New Partners Initiative (NPI)
  • Supply Chain Management System
  • Technical Leadership and Support
  • Twinning Center

VII. International Partners
Introduction: International Partners
Table 10: FY 2007 Budget for International Partners

  • Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
  • The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

VIII. Technical Oversight and Management
Introduction: Technical Oversight and Management
Table 11: FY 2007 Technical Oversight and Management Expenses

  • USAID Technical Oversight and Management
  • HHS Technical Oversight and Management
  • Other Agency Technical Oversight and Management

IX. Strategic Information/Evaluation
Introduction: Strategic Information/Evaluation
Table 12: FY 2007 Strategic Information/Evaluation

  • Strategic Information/Evaluation (SI)

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