John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis

Enhancing scientific discovery and problem-solving through integrated research.

Advisory Board


SAB Member Martin Goldhaber

Martin Goldhaber

Senior Scientist, Powell Center Director

U.S. Geological Survey

Marty Goldhaber received his BS in Chemistry (1968) and PhD in Geochemistry (1973) both from UCLA. After spending a year as a Post Doc at Yale, he joined the USGS in 1975. He is currently a Senior Scientist at the USGS where he received the Department of the Interior Meritorious Service and Presidential Rank Awards. He has served a rotation as the Chief Scientist for Geology and has also served as co-chair of the USGS Science Strategy Team which was charged with defining key strategic directions for the USGS. He has been a member of the Geochemical Society since 1972 and has been involved in the Society in a number of roles, currently Past President. His association with the Colorado School of Mines and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as adjunct professor resulted in the mentoring of thirteen masters and doctoral students. His early research was on the biogeochemistry of sulfur in modern marine sediments. After joining the USGS, he applied these perspectives on sulfur geochemistry towards understanding the origin of sediment-hosted ore deposits, which then evolved into a focus on the environmental impacts of these ores. His current research is on the evolution of the broad ‘geochemical landscapes’ resulting from the interplay of geologic, geomorphologic, hydrologic, and biologic processes. Geochemical landscape studies are underway in the Sacramento Valley of California, and the Prairie Pothole region of the north central U.S. and southern Canada.

SAB Member Jill Baron

Jill Baron

Ecosystem Ecologist, Powell Center Director

U.S. Geological Survey

Jill Baron is an ecosystem ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, and a Senior Research Ecologist with the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University. Her interests include applying ecosystem concepts to management of human-dominated regions, and understanding the biogeochemical and ecological effects of climate change and atmospheric nitrogen deposition to mountain ecosystems. She is co-director of the John Wesley Powell Center for Earth System Science Analysis and Synthesis.

SAB Member Barbara Bekins

Barbara Bekins

Research Hydrologist

U.S. Geological Survey

Barbara Bekins investigates the natural attenuation of contaminants in groundwater. Her work has focused on biodegradation of petroleum contaminants and nitrate. Techniques include laboratory experiments, field investigations, and computer modeling of reactions, groundwater flow, and transport.

SAB Member Nina Burkardt

Nina Burkardt

Research Social Scientist

U.S. Geological Survey

Nina Burkardt is a Research Social Scientist at the USGS Fort Collins Science Center. Her research focuses on negotiation and conflict resolution in natural resource decision making, institutional analysis of natural resource management processes and policies, and the use of science in decision making.

SAB Member Daren Carlisle

Daren Carlisle

Ecological Studies Chief

U.S. Geological Survey

Daren Carlisle is currently the Ecological Studies Chief for the National Water-Quality Assessment Program. In this capacity, he envisions, plans, and designs studies that investigate the effects of land and water management on stream health. Before joining the USGS in 2002, he was a regional ecologist for the the National Park Service, where he provided technical assistance to park units regarding all aspects of aquatic ecology. Daren's educational training focused on the effects of non-native fish on alpine lake ecosystems (MS, Utah State) and the effects of metal contamination on stream food webs (PhD, Colorado State).

SAB Member Chuck Estabrook

Chuck Estabrook

Program Manager

National Science Foundation

Dr. Charles Estabrook is currently a program manager for EarthScope at the National Science Foundation. Dr. Estabrook received his PhD in Seismology/Geophysics from Columbia University. He has carried out research on earth structure, seismic sources, and has built seismic stations for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization.

SAB Member Jeanne Hardebeck

Jeanne Hardebeck

Research Geophysicist

U.S. Geological Survey

Jeanne Hardebeck is a Research Geophysicist with the Earthquake Science Center in Menlo Park, California. Her research interests include: the strength of faults, earthquake stress triggering, statistical testing of earthquake forecasting methods, and imaging fault structures using microseismicity. She is currently focused on the earthquake hazards of the California central coast, the site of the destructive San Simeon earthquake in December 2003.

SAB Member Gregory McCabe

Gregory McCabe

Research Scientist

U.S. Geological Survey

Greg McCabe is a research scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey and is an adjunct professor at the University of Denver and the Metropolitan State College of Denver. He also is a research affiliate with the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado. He received bachelor and masters degrees from the University of Delaware and a Ph.D. from Louisiana State University. He is Chief of the Hydroclimatic Processes and Hazards project within the National Research Program. His research interests include hydroclimatology, climate variability and change, synoptic climatology, climate teleconnections, and hydrologic modeling.

SAB Member Richard Pouyat

Rich Pouyat

Research Ecologist

USDA Forest Service; Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Maryland

Rich has researched urban woodland ecology and restoration; urban biogeochemistry; classification, mapping, and interpretation of anthropogenic soils; integration of ecological, soil, and social sciences; and integration of science and public policy.

SAB Member Carl Shapiro

Carl Shapiro

Senior Economist

U.S. Geological Survey Energy and Minerals, and Environmental Health; Co-Director, USGS Science and Decisions Center

Carl Shapiro is Senior Economist, Energy and Minerals, and Environmental Health and is Co-Director of the USGS Science and Decisions Center, a multidisciplinary center that advances the use of science in resource management decision making. Previously, he spent about 15 years as the principal economist in the USGS Director’s Office, where he led and participated in analytical studies on topics ranging from interagency wetland data consistency to institutional issues associated with map revision and pricing. He is an adjunct associate professor of economics in the School of Public Affairs at American University in Washington, DC, where he has taught graduate courses in economics and public management for over 15 years.

Powell Center SAB member Tom Torgersen

Tom Torgersen

Program Officer

National Science Foundation

Tom Torgersen is a Program Officer at the National Science Foundation with responsibilities for Hydrologic Sciences and "Water Sustainability and Climate". His research expertise includes isotopic tracers and dating of groundwater, hydrogeology, coastal ocean processes, limnology, and paleoclimate.

SAB Member Nathan Wood

Nathan Wood

Research Geographer

U.S. Geological Survey

Nathan Wood is a research geographer at the USGS Western Geographic Science Center and is co-located at the USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, Washington. His research focuses on societal vulnerability to natural hazards and he is currenty focusing on community vulnerability to tsunamis, volcanoes, and climate-change-enhanced coastal hazards in the U.S. Pacific Northwest.

 Previous Advisory Board Members

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