Tipton Statement on State of the Union

 WASHINGTON, D.C.—Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO) issued this statement following President Obama’s State of the Union Address.

“Over the last four years, trillion dollar deficits have fueled an unprecedented growth of the national debt and federal government, and have driven devastatingly high unemployment and paralyzing economic uncertainty. For middle class American families, seniors, small businesses and millions of unemployed workers, the state of the union leaves much to be desired.  The President’s record of endlessly delaying or altogether dismissing serious attempts to get spending under control has driven economic uncertainty, cost millions of jobs, and is jeopardizing the future of the American dream for our children and grandchildren. With the Senate, the President has blocked dozens of House passed solutions to create economic growth, reform spending, and put our country on a responsible track.  These solutions include two House passed budgets and two pieces of legislation in the past six months that would have replaced the President’s sequester with commonsense spending reforms. The status quo of punting on budget reforms while the federal government spends more than it takes in cannot continue. We must end deficit spending.

“While the President spoke tonight about the many challenges facing our nation, it remains to be seen what actions he will take to improve the situation.  The House will take action, as it has the past two years, to pass a balanced budget, prevent Medicare and Social Security from going bankrupt, reform the tax code, ensure that our troops have the resources needed to defend our nation, responsibly develop all of our energy resources, and provide opportunities for small businesses to grow and American families to prosper.

“We have an opportunity to work together on behalf of the American people to put our nation on a sustainable path, end uncertainty, and restore prosperity for this and future generations. Should the President choose to pursue real reform and the path to prosperity, I stand ready to work with him.”