Blessing explaining to a group of IITA researchers

Of women and miracles

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we pay tribute to the women who, despite staggering odds, were able to raise themselves up and become productive members of society. We feature one such amazing woman who was able to take her life back from the scourge of HIV/AIDS given the right incentive and a nudge in the right direction. This is her story:

“I was at the point of wanting to kill myself,” said Blessing (not her real name as she wanted to remain anonymous), as tears gathered at the corner of her weary eyes. “It seemed that the world was against me: I was positive for HIV/AIDS, my husband had left me, and my community shunned me,” she related as she looked away trying to hide her shame. Read more »

International Conference on Tropical Roots and Tubers

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. 09 - 12 July 2013. More information.

11th African Crop Science Society Conference

Yaounde, Cameroon. 14 - 17 October 2013. Download document.

6th International Nitrogen Conference (N2013)

Kampala, Uganda. 18 - 22 November, 2013. More information.



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Humidtropics is an innovative agricultural systems research program that will help poor farm families, mostly led by women, boost their agricultural productivity while preserving the land for future generations.

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R4D ReviewR4D Review

This 6-monthly magazine promotes dialogue among IITA and its partners, investors, and beneficiaries to develop solutions to problems facing tropical agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond. Document download.


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Healthy yam seed production


Tackling killer aflatoxins in African food crops

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