Global Climate Change Law Library of Congress
    Richard C. Holbrooke,
Permanent U.S. Representative
to the United Nations, August 1999 - January 2001
    Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke was confirmed by the Senate as the Permanent United States Representative to the United Nations on August 5, 1999. During his career he has been a professional diplomat, a magazine editor, an author, a Peace Corps Director, the Chairman of two important non-governmental organizations and an investment banker.
    He was the U.S. Ambassador to Germany from 1993-1994 before being appointed by President Clinton as Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs in 1994. During that time, he was the chief negotiator for the historic 1995 Dayton Peace Accords in Bosnia. His most recent position was as a
  USUN Photo   Vice Chairman of Credit Suisse First Boston, a New
  York based investment bank from 1996-1999. During the same period he served on a pro-bono basis as the Special Presidential Envoy for Cyprus, and a Special Envoy in Bosnia and Kosovo, where he negotiated the October 1998 agreement, and, after it was violated delivered the final ultimatum to Belgrade prior to the NATO bombing campaign.
  Ambassador Holbrooke began his career as a Foreign Service Officer immediately after graduating from Brown University in 1962. He was sent to Vietnam and in the following six years served in a variety of posts related to Vietnam -- first in the Mekong Delta as a provincial representative for the Agency for International Development (AID), and then as staff assistant to Ambassador Maxwell Taylor and Henry Cabot Lodge. In 1966 he was re-assigned to the White House working on President Johnson's staff on Vietnam. In 1967 -69, he wrote one volume of the Pentagon Papers, served as a special assistant to Under Secretaries of State Nicholas deb. Katzenbach and Elliot Richardson, and simultaneously served as a member of the American Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks on Vietnam, headed successively by Averill Harriman and Henry Cabot Lodge.
  Following these assignments, Ambassador Holbrooke spent a year as a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. In 1970 he was assigned as Peace Corps Director in Morocco. In 1972, he left the Foreign Service to become Managing Editor of the quarterly magazine Foreign Policy, a position he held until 1976. During 1974-75, he also served as a consultant to the President's Commission on the Organization of the Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy, and was a contributing editor to Newsweek International. In 1976 he coordinated national security affairs for the Carter-Mondale presidential campaign. In 1977, President Carter appointed him Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, a post he held until 1981. (He is the only person ever to hold the position of Assistant Secretary of two different regional bureaus in the State Department.) During his tenure in the East Asia Bureau, among other events, the United States established full diplomatic relations with China.
  In 1981, he became Vice President of Public Strategies, a consulting firm based in Washington, DC. He became a Managing Director at Lehman Brothers, a New York investment bank, in 1985. He also served as a member of the Carnegie Commission on America and a Changing World (chaired by Ambassador Winston Lord), and was chairman and principal author of the Bipartisan Report of the Commission on Government and Renewal, sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation and the Institute for International Economics in 1992.
  Ambassador Holbrooke has been very active in the non-profit arena in the area of refugee assistance. He was chairman of Refugees International from 1991 to 1999 and was a member of the board of the International Red Cross. He was the founding chairman of the American Academy in Berlin, a center for U.S. German Cultural Exchange and the head of the National Advisory Council of the Harriman Institute. He was the director of the Citizens Committee for New York City and twice has been a Director of the Council of Foreign Relations. Others boards include the American China society and the National Committee on U.S. China Relations.
  He has received twelve honorary degrees from U.S. and international universities. He is the author of "To End a War," (published 1998, and selected as one of the eleven best books of the year by The New York Times) and co-author of "Counsel to the President," (1991) the best-selling memoirs of Clark Clifford, as well as numerous articles and columns on foreign policy.
  Ambassador Holbrooke was born on April 24, 1941 in New York. He has two sons. He is married to the author, Kati Marton.