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Publication Compendium of Tribal Crime Data, 2011

Duren Banks, Allina Lee, Ronald Malega, Todd Minton, Mark Motivans, Steven W. Perry, Brian Reaves, Howard Snyder

June 28, 2011    NCJ 234459

Focuses on BJS's existing data on key criminal justice issues in Indian country and addresses gaps in tribal crime data. This compendium is part of BJS's first annual report to Congress, as required by the Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA), 2010. It consists of four separate reports and selected findings from a previously released BJS report.

  • Tribal Crime Data Collection Activities describes BJS’s activities between July 2010 and June 2011 to improve tribal law enforcement reporting to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) and BJS’s direct collaboration with tribal criminal justice systems.
    PDF (548K) | ASCII (14K) | Spreadsheet (.csv file)

  • Tribal Law Enforcement, 2008 presents data on tribal law enforcement agencies from the 2008 Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies.
    PDF (792K) | ASCII (16K) | Spreadsheet ( Zip format 5K)

  • State Prosecutors' Offices with Jurisdiction in Indian Country, 2007 describes the activities of 93 state prosecutors’ offices that reported jurisdiction under Public Law 83-280 for felonies committed in Indian country.
    PDF (1.9M) | ASCII (14K) | Spreadsheet ( Zip format 6K)

  • Selected Findings: Jails in Indian Country, 2009 summarizes the key findings of a BJS report published in February 2011.
    PDF (605K) | ASCII (18K) | Spreadsheet ( Zip format 8K) | Annual bulletin Februay 2011

  • Summary: Tribal Youth in the Federal Justice System describes the characteristics and number of tribal youth handled by federal courts from 1999 to 2008.
    PDF (1.4M) | ASCII (24K) | Spreadsheet ( Zip format 9K)

Full report: Compendium of Tribal Crime Data, 2011
       PDF (5.7M) | ASCII (105K) | Spreadsheet ( Zip format 27K)

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