179th Airlift Wing, Ohio Air National Guard   Right Corner Banner
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Resources > Fact Sheets
Fact Sheets Fact Sheets

This page contains fact sheets related to the 179th Airlift Wing and the Air National Guard. For the full scope of Air Force fact sheets, please visit the Fact Sheets page of Air Force Link, the official Web site of the U.S. Air Force.
tabHistorical Fact Sheet 
History of the 179th Airlift Wing

tabAircraft Fact Sheets 
C-130 Hercules

C27 Spartan

 Inside 179AW

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tabPublic Liaison
If Dissatified with the response received from the Requester Service Center, you may contact the Air Force FOIA Public Liaison Office
1800 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1800
Phone: (703) 696-6487
Fax: (703) 696-4421
(Please do not send FOIA request to this office)

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