Category Archives: International

China and India: Neighboring Countries but Poles Apart in Their Older Populations’ Health

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Tweet Written by: Wan He China and India sit next to each other on the Asian continent, sharing a thousand-mile long border. The Silk Road connected these two countries more than 2,000 years ago, allowing exchanges not only in trade … Continue reading

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High Blood Pressure – Not Just an American Problem

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Tweet Written by: Mark Muenchrath You or someone in your family may have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, or hypertension. About one in three adults in the United States has this condition, according to the Centers for Disease Control … Continue reading

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The World Population at 7 Billion

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Tweet Written by:  Daniel Goodkind, Population Division, US Census Bureau The world’s population will shortly reach 7 billion. The United Nations estimates the world will reach this milestone on October 31, 2011. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates the world population … Continue reading

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