NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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18 Feb. 2013

NATO Secretary General Discusses Cooperation with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen discussed strengthening NATO-Russia cooperation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Monday 18 February.

16 Feb. 2013

All NATO Patriot batteries in Turkey operational

The final of six Patriot missile batteries deployed to Turkey was declared operational under NATO command and control on Friday, 15 February 2013.

15 Feb. 2013

Deputy Secretary General welcomes the UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs to NATO Headquarters

The United Nations Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Baroness Amos visited NATO Headquarters on Friday 15 February 2013 and met with the Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow.

15 Feb. 2013

NATO-Russia military-to-military direct line

On 14 February 2013, General Knud Bartels, Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee and Chairman of the NRC Military Representatives, initiated an historical phone call with Colonel-General Valeriy Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, enhancing military-to-military cooperation and promoting transparency between NATO and Russia.

14 Feb. 2013

NATO Generals gain firsthand knowledge of progress

Gen. Knud Bartels (Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee), Lt. Gen. Jürgen Bornemann (Director General of NATO HQ International Military Staff), and Air Marshal Sir Christopher Harper (UK Military Representative to NATO and incoming Director General IMS) visited Afghanistan this week, where they engaged with the Afghan authorities and exchanged views on the security situation on the ground with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Commanders.

12 Feb. 2013

North Atlantic Council strongly condemns North Korean nuclear test

We condemn in the strongest terms the test by North Korea of a nuclear weapon, conducted in flagrant violation of relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.

12 Feb. 2013

Ireland: an important partner in peace and security

This week, Anders Fogh Rasmussen became the first NATO Secretary General to visit Ireland. Over the past 15 years, the country has worked closely with NATO to promote peace and security in support of operations mandated by the United Nations, first in the Balkans and then in Afghanistan. Ireland has identified developing the capacity of the Irish Defence Forces to participate in multinational crisis-response operations as a priority, and also shares its expertise in areas such as humanitarian operations, peacekeeping and countering improvised explosive devices.

12 Feb. 2013

Secretary General pays historic first visit to Ireland

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen is in Dublin on 12-13 February 2013 to meet Irish leaders and European Union defence ministers, in the first visit of any NATO Secretary General to Ireland.

12 Feb. 2013

Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the terrorist attack on the Turkish border

I strongly condemn the terrorist attack on the Turkish border which cost the lives of several people and wounded many others. My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the victims, and I wish the wounded a speedy recovery.

11 Feb. 2013

NATO Secretary General welcomes the President of the European Commission at NATO Headquarters

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen met with the President of the European Commission José Manuel Durão Barroso on Monday, 11 February 2013 at NATO Headquarters.