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It hasn't come up during any of the televised debates, but both Presidential candidates agree on this: climate change is happening, and human activity contributes to it. So where do their policies differ? Find out what they said for the 2012 Science Debate:
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Tonight's episode of +FRONTLINE, "Climate of Doubt," will explore the shifting public opinion on climate change. While you're watching, keep an eye out for America's Climate Choices, last year's comprehensive study from the NRC:
Climate of Doubt – FRONTLINE »
Coming Oct 23, FRONTLINE explores the massive shift in public opinion on climate change.
Yonas Kidane
Is it me or this web page dead?
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Nice! has just revealed its new design AND announced its 2013 essay contest for 3rd-12th graders. (#STEM educators take note!)

Since 2001, EngineerGirl--a service of the National Academy of Engineering--has brought national attention to the exciting opportunities that #engineering  represents for girls and women. 

#stemeducation   #scienceeducation   #stemwomen   #awesome  
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When it comes to U.S. policy on protection from emerging diseases, global #pandemics, and deliberate #bioterrorism, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have their differences. Get the details in our latest Notes post:
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On Tuesday, both candidates sounded off on their policies on China--in particular, China's dominance of the market for rare earth metals. Mitt Romney and Barack Obama both outlined their plans for securing critical natural resources in the 2012 Science Debate:
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Did you catch last night's Presidential debate? If you were hoping to hear Barack Obama or Mitt Romney's position on #vaccines and public health--well, you didn't.

Science Debate 2012 got the candidates' opinions on this topic back in September. Have a look at their responses--and read up on the science behind this issue--at Notes from NAP:
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At tomorrow night's town-hall Presidential debate, candidates will answer questions on both domestic and foreign policy from the audience. One topic that falls into both categories? The Internet.

For a peek at how Barack Obama and Mitt Romney might answer questions about #netneutrality , #cybersecurity , or #privacy , check out their answers to the 2012 ScienceDebate--and a few relevant ebooks from NAP:
Add a comment... asked the Presidential candidates: what priority would you give to investment in scientific #research in your upcoming budgets? Check out their answers--and the recommendations of the National Academies--at Notes from NAP.
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Scientists estimate that 75% of the world's fisheries are in serious decline. Coral reefs are threatened, and large areas of the oceans are polluted.

At, both Presidential candidates were asked for their thoughts on the government's role in #ocean health, and both responded. Find out more at Notes from NAP:
Dov Henis
2012: Restructure Science Plans, Policies, Budgets
A. Higgs Particle YOK
Eppur Si Muove, Higgs Particle YOK
Regardless Of Whatever Whoever
Regardless Of Whatever Is Said By Whoever Says It -
Higgs Particle YOK.
S Hawking is simply wrong in accepting it. Obviously wrong.
Everyone who accepts the story of the Higgs particle is simply wrong.
Plain commonsense.
Singularity and the Big Bang MUST have happened with the smallest base universe particles, the gravitons, that MUST be both energy and mass, even if they are inert mass just one smallest fraction of a second at singularity. All mass formats evolve from gravitons that convert into energy i.e. extricate from their gravitons clusters into mass formats in motion, energy.  And they all end up again as mass in a repeat singularity.
Universe expansion and re-contraction proceed simultaneously..
Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century)

B. Refresh Present SCIENCE Comprehensions And Restructure Science Plans, Policies And Budgets
Who Suppresses Science Creativity? Does Academia Suppress Creativity?
Again and again, ad absurdum:
Since the 1920s SCIENCE is suppressed by a Technology Culture, tightly supervised by a religious old style trade union , the AAAS…
Liberate Your Mind From Concepts Dictated By The Religious Trade-Union AAAS:
USA Science? Re-Comprehend Origins And Essence
* Higgs Particle? Dark Energy/Matter? Epigenetics?  All  YOK!
* Earth-life is just another, self-replicating, mass format.
* All mass formats evolve from gravitons, the primal universe mass-energy particles.
* Since singularity gravitons are extricated from their big-bang clusters , i.e. become mobile, energy, at a constant rate.
* All mass formats follow natural selection, i.e. intake of energy or their energy taken in by other mass formats.
* Evolution Is The Quantum Mechanics Of Natural Selection.
* Quantum mechanics are mechanisms, possible or probable or actual mechanisms of natural selection.
* Life’s  Evolution is the quantum mechanics of biology.
* Every  evolution, of all disciplines, is the quantum mechanics of the discipline’s natural selection.
Update Concepts-Comprehension… 
Earth life genesis from aromaticity-H bonding Universe-Energy-Mass-Life Compilation
Seed of human-chimp genome diversity
New Era For Science Including Genomics
Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century)

C. Universe Inflation And Expansion
Inflation on Trial
Astrophysicists interrogate one of their most successful theories  
Inflation and expansion are per Newton.
Since the Big Bang galactic clusters loose mass at constant rate. Mass, gravitons, continue escaping at constant rate from their Big Bang fragments-clusters thus becoming energy, mass in motion, thus thrusting the clusters. Constant thrust and decreasing galactic clusters weight accelerate the separation of clusters from each other.
Common sense.
Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century)
Natural Selection Is Built-In Hypocrisy In US Science Structure
In addition to the omnipotency of the AAAS trade-union-church with its science testament and gospels...:

Where the Nation Turns for Independent, Expert Advice
Advisers to the Nation on Science, Engineering, and Medicine
In the Executive Office of the President, the main body advising the president on science policy is the Office of Science and Technology Policy. Other advisory bodies exist within the Executive Office of the President, including the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and the National Science and Technology Council.
Further advice (on legislating science policy) is provided by extra-governmental organizations such as The National Academies, which was created and mostly funded by the federal government,[2] and the RAND Corporation, as well as other non-profit organizations such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Chemical Society among others.
Conflict of interest arises whenever the personal or professional interests of a board or committee member or of an expert adviser are potentially at odds with the best interests of the nonprofit…by the people for the people…
I rest the people’s case…
Dov Henis
(comments from 22nd century)
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The U.S. faces serious challenges to its #energy  security and #sustainability  in the coming decades. At, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney detailed the energy policies they would support as President.

The National Academies has advised the nation on America's energy future in dozens of its reports. We're highlighting a handful of them on Notes from NAP today.
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Publishing the scientific reports of the National Academies.
The National Academies Press (NAP) was created by the National Academies to publish the reports issued by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council, all operating under a charter granted by the Congress of the United States. 

The NAP publishes more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health, capturing the most authoritative views on important issues in science and health policy. The institutions represented by the NAP are unique in that they attract the nation’s leading experts in every field to serve on their award-wining panels and committees. The nation turns to the work of NAP for definitive information on everything from space science to animal nutrition.
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