Apollo Astronauts on Moon A Historic Meeting on Spaceflight . . . A Historic Meeting on Spaceflight . . . A Historic Meeting on Spaceflight . . . Blank Graphic
Apollo Astronauts on Moon Background Analysis Links Supporting Documents
Transcript of the Meeting Audio
Collage of Saturn 1B Launch; Sputnik; NASA Leadership Triumvirate; James E. Webb; and Centaur Rocket Collage of Centaur Rocket Engine and table meeting



To listen to the actual meeting, click on the links below.

The audio introduction takes about 30 seconds to begin; the actual conversation begins about 30 seconds after that.

Part 1

Part 2

(Note that these files are in .rm format and require RealPlayer to play them. RealPlayer can be downloaded for free here.)

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Updated April 14, 2003
Steve Garber, NASA History Web Curator
For further information, e-mail histinfo@hq.nasa.gov

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edited by Lisa Jirousek
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