WFLHD Design Forms and Templates

Plan Sheet Tabulations

The following spreadsheets may be used for quantity tabulation plan sheets (includes a simulated plan sheet border):

  • Excel/xlsx Icon Summary of Quantities  (Excel/xlsx, 47 KB) - converts output from Engineer's Estimate program (TX1, TX2,...) into a plan sheet. (Rev 7/2012) New
  • Excel/xlsx Icon Tabulation of Quantities  (Excel/xlsx, 15 KB) - blank quantity tabulation sheet for use at the beginning of a plan section. (Rev 5/2012) New
     - Excel/xlsx Icon Alternate version  (Excel/xlsx, 15 KB) without a title block (Rev 5/2012) New
  • Excel Icon Tabulation of Drainage Quantities  (Excel, 68 KB) - listing of cross drainage structures; placed at beginning of Drainage section (Rev 7/2007)

Design Documentation Forms

These forms are prepared for each project during the design process:

  • Word/docx Icon Design Book Index  (Word/docx, 26 KB) - Index for Design Book with typical items included in each section. (Rev 5/2011)
  • Word/docx Icon Design Narrative  (Word/docx, 22 KB) - Documents information about the project for use during construction. (Rev 12/2006)
  • Excel Icon GEOPAK Tracking Document  (Excel, 32 KB) - Used for tracking project-specific GEOPAK information. (Rev 6/2009)
  • Excel Icon QA/QC Checklist  (Excel, 1.34 MB) - Quality Assurance/Quality Control Checklist for all design phases. (Rev 5/2008)
  • Word/docx Icon WFLHD-3  (Word/docx, 66 KB) - Highway Design Standards form to be completed once line and grade are set (Plan-in-Hand). (Rev 6/2011)
  • Word/docx Icon Signoff Book Cover  (Word/docx, 75 KB) - Cover for Signoff Book
  • Word/docx Icon Signoff Package to PS&E Checklist  (Word/docx, 37 KB) - Documents and conditions that must be met prior to forwarding package to PS&E for sign-off. (Rev 3/2012) New  See also Supplement 9.6.1-1.
  • Word/docx Icon WFLHD-2  (Word/docx, 41 KB) - PS&E Assembly and Review form to be completed for Signoff. (Rev 4/2012) New
  • Word/docx Icon PE Hold File Checklist  (Word/docx, 24 KB) - Checklist for transmittal of design information to Construction to be completed prior to award date. (Rev 7/2010)   Attach the Word/docx Icon Important Notice Letter  (Word/docx, 51 KB) when including CADD files.

Miscellaneous forms

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