Local Sustainability

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The Local Sustainability Division (formerly the Division of Private and Voluntary Cooperation) provides technical leadership and guidance to the Agency on its partnership with Private and Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to achieve the Agency’s development goals and serves as an institutional bridge between the Agency and the PVO/NGO communities; informs Agency efforts to develop innovative, effective programs that strengthen U.S. PVOs, local NGOs and cooperatives in USAID partner countries; provides technical leadership and guidance to the Agency and PVO community on the design of PVO/NGO programs and organizational capacity building and provides technical support to USAID missions’ efforts to utilize the expertise of indigenous PVOs and NGOs in partner countries; and assists in policy formulation on issues of concern to the PVO/NGO community.  The Division manages the registration of U.S. PVOs and promotes and facilitates the exchange of information within the Agency and among U.S., international and local NGOs.  The Interagency Agreement with the U.S. Peace Corps for the Small Projects Assistance Program is managed by the Division.  Through this relationship, the Division facilitates the partnership between USAID and the Peace Corps and the achievement of shared development objectives.  The Division also manages and monitors the Development Grants Program, the Cooperative Development Program and the Limited Excess Property Program.

Background: Private and Voluntary Cooperation

Since 1976, the Office of Private and Voluntary Cooperation (PVC) has offered competitive funding opportunities and capacity building to U.S. private voluntary organizations (PVOs) registered with USAID and local non-governmental organizations (LNGOs) to partner with USAID in the delivery of development and humanitarian services around the world. At the same time, organizational and technical capacity building is integrated as a critical component of these field programs to strengthen the effectiveness of partner organizations as development actors. USAID partnership with U.S. PVOs and local NGOs to also effectively meet beneficiaries’ needs has been PVC’s mission. PVC’s FY2010 budget for competitive programs was approximately $50 million for the Development Grants Program ($40 million) and the Cooperative Development Program ($10 million).