The Fair Act

Jan 18, 2013 Issues: 9th District, Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee

Dear Friend, 

This week I introduced the FAIR Act, which would take politics out of the redistricting process. I also received a 100+ on the Humane Society’s legislative scorecard and President Obama unveiled his gun safety initiative.

The FAIR Act
2012 Humane Society Scorecard

President Obama’s Gun Safety Initiative
Inaugural Plans Announced

Memphian Sworn in at TVA
The Constitution, Courts and the GOP
Relief for Student Borrowers
Hurricane Sandy Relief

Congressional Calendars 
Grant Announcements

The FAIR Act
This week I introduced the John Tanner Fairness and Independence in Redistricting (FAIR) Act, which would require states to take their congressional apportionment out of the political process and place it in the hands of an independent redistricting commission.  It’s time to take politics out of the redistricting process.  Congress is so polarized today that we’re unable to find common ground on the major issues facing our country.  Instead of solving our nation’s problems, Congress is just kicking the can down the road and waiting until the next election for answers.  I believe that if we eliminate the gerrymandering of districts we will help get more accomplished for our country.

2012 Humane Society Scorecard
This week I received a 100+from the Humane Society Legislative Fund on their 2012 Humane scorecard.  I was the only member of the Tennessee Congressional delegation to receive a perfect score.  I am a lifelong supporter of animal rights and welfare issues.  The treatment of animals has long been characterized as a direct reflection on how we as people treat ourselves and each other.  It is a privilege and an honor to be recognized by the Humane Society for my work to promote animal protection legislation.

President Obama’s Gun Safety Initiative

On Wednesday President Obama called on Congress to approve bans on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips in response to a string of recent deadly mass shootings.  I support President Obama on this initiative and agree that we need a comprehensive approach to reduce and prevent gun violence in our country. Executive action can and should be part of the process, and many of the executive actions announced by President Obama will have a positive influence on reducing gun violence. But it’s time for Congress to step up and do what needs to be done to save lives. Many of the policies that will have the greatest impact on reducing gun violence will require Congressional action.  It’s important that we develop a comprehensive set of policy proposals that both respects peoples’ 2nd Amendment rights and helps keep our communities safe from gun violence. Click here to learn more about President Obama’s initiative.

Inaugural Plans Announced

If you plan on attending the Inauguration of President Obama in Washington, D.C., on Monday, I encourage you to consult several documents on my website to avoid any delays or inconveniences that might arise.  The 2013 Presidential Inaugural Law Enforcement and Public Safety Public Affairs Subcommittee recently announced a joint transportation plan for the Inauguration. The plan surrounds events and activities that will take place on Sunday, January 20 and Monday, January 21. The extensively detailed plan provides general outlines for vehicular restricted zones, road closures, charter vehicles, public transportation and pedestrian routes.  On my website you will also find a Metro rider guide, a pedestrian walking map and the public parade route. Click here to learn more.

My D.C. office – located in Suite 2404 of the Rayburn House Office Building -- will be open on Sunday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET for distribution of Inaugural tickets for those District 9 residents who have yet to pick them up. And at 5 p.m. ET on Sunday we will be raffling off a small amount of tickets that are leftover for the Inaugural.  My D.C. office will also be open on Monday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET to serve light refreshments for District 9 residents who are in D.C. for the Inaugural.
Directions to my office from the Metro: When you come up the escalators from Capitol South Metro Station, continue straight to the intersection of 1st and C Street SE. At the corner, there will be a guard station for cars but not for pedestrians. Take a left to walk down C Street. Proceed to the second intersection at C Street and South Capitol Street SE. Turn right and you’ll be walking between Longworth House Office Building and Rayburn House Office Bldg. There will be a circular driveway on your left with an entrance to Rayburn. Enter the building and pass through security. You’ll be on the 1st floor. Take a right, proceed down the hallway and take the next left where you will see elevators. Take the elevator to the 4th floor. When you get off the elevator, go to the right and my office will be the first on the left. 2404 is the office number.

If taking a cab: Ask to be dropped of at the Rayburn House Office Building on Independence Avenue next to the Capitol Building. Most cab drivers should be able to deliver you to the building with no problems. They will drop you off at the front of the building. Enter the building located on Independence Avenue. Go through security and take a left to a bank of elevators. Take the elevator to the 4th floor. When you get off the elevator, go to the right and my office will be the first on the left. 2404 is the office number.

Memphian Sworn in at TVA

This week Memphian V. Lynn Evans, CPA, was sworn in to serve on the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).  I was proud to recommend Ms. Evans to President Obama for consideration.  She will fill the position on the TVA Board currently held by Bishop William Graves who has reached the end of his second term on the Board.  I recommended Ms. Evans to President Obama because she is a superb accountant with extensive public and private sector experience.  She is intelligent, well respected and admired throughout Memphis and Tennessee for her dedication to public service and her skills as an accountant.  She will serve the millions of people across the country who rely on the Tennessee Valley Authority well.

The Constitution, Courts and the GOP

On Tuesday I spoke on the House floor about the Constitution, the Courts and the GOP. Click here to see my remarks.

Relief for Student Borrowers
As an advocate of making higher education more affordable, most notably through the establishment of the Tennessee Lottery, I wanted to share this recent New York Times editorial on President Obama’s Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan and the Income Based Repayment Program. Both programs were established to help people with their student loans. I encourage you to read the piece by clicking here if you need help with your student loans.

Hurricane Sandy Relief
This week the House voted to provide nearly $51 billion in disaster aid to victims of Hurricane Sandy, which hammered parts of the Northeast in October.  I was the only member of the Tennessee Congressional delegation to support the measure.  It’s fair to support this legislation because Tennessee received financial support from FEMA when floods and tornadoes struck our state.  Consideration of the measure faced delays and strong opposition from Republicans who were more interested in playing politics than helping those in need, which was a shame.  It’s important that we put politics aside and come together as a country when disasters like this strike.

Congressional Calendars
There are a limited number of 2013 Congressional Calendars available through my office.  If you’d like to receive one of these free calendars, please click here to fill out a short form.  I have already received a number of requests from some who are not residents of District 9.  Due to the rules of the House, I am only able to mail calendars to residents of Tennessee’s 9th District.  Please feel free to share this email with other constituents who may be interested in receiving a calendar.

Grant Announcements
I regularly release a list of grant announcements from federal agencies like the Department of Health and Human Services, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Transportation, and others.  These federal funding opportunities are available to faith-based and neighborhood associations, nonprofits and other community organizations in the 9th district. The announcements are updated regularly on my website.

Wishing you a happy and safe weekend,

As always, I remain,

Most sincerely,

Steve Cohen
Member of Congress