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January 2017

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CNF Announcements & Press Releases, including introducing our new director, Professor Christopher Ober!

The Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF) is a national user facility that supports a broad range of nanoscale science and technology projects by providing state-of-the-art resources coupled with expert staff support. CNF has been serving the science and engineering community since 1977 -- 2017 will mark our 40th anniversary! Research at CNF encompasses physical sciences, engineering, and life sciences, and has a strong inter-disciplinary emphasis. Over 800 users per year (50% of whom come from outside Cornell) use the fabrication, synthesis, computation, characterization, and integration resources of CNF to build structures, devices, and systems from atomic to complex length-scales.

The research accomplishments (under "Publications" above) will give you a short introduction to the research, "Lab Equipment" offers more details on our facility capabilities, and our short course (under "Events & Seminars") gives a practical introduction to the technology. Other links and the search engine will lead you to a variety of information related to nanoscale science and technology. Click on the "Getting Started" tab above to find out what the CNF can do for you!

New users come to us from academia, industry, and government laboratories and learn to use the tools available in the facility to carry out their research projects. CNF is open 24 hours a day, and provides the interactive and exciting learning and practicing environment critical to successful cutting-edge research. External users typically spend a week or two at CNF to complete their work with strong staff support. Many projects can also be accomplished remotely.

A video tour of the facility is available for viewing over the web. This ten-minute video will give you a brief introduction to what types of equipment and processes are available at the facility. 

Gifts to Cornell NanoScale Facility are now accepted via the link at left (GIFTS).

CNF Researchers: Please acknowledge CNF in your presentations, posters and publications!


We invite you to explore this web site and our facility!


The CNF is supported by the National Science Foundation,
Empire State Development's Division of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR),
Cornell University, Industry, & Our Users.

The CNF is a member of the
National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI)



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