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Grant Awards

Round One (FY 2011)

On September 26, DOL Secretary Hilda Solis and ED Under Secretary Martha Kanter announced nearly $500 million in grants to community colleges around the country for targeted training and workforce development to help economically dislocated workers who are changing careers. The grants support partnerships between community colleges and employers to develop programs that provide pathways to good jobs, including building instructional programs that meet specific industry needs.

The DOL Grant Application and Award Database contains abstracts (all) and full applications (winning grantees only) at

Quick links to full applications of winning grantees are here.

You can also access summaries of grantees by state with project descriptions here.

For maps and charts of grant totals by state, number of grants per state, and distribution of priorities, please access them here.

Round Two (FY 2012)

On September 19, Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis announced $500 million in grants to create and expand innovative partnerships between community colleges and businesses to train workers with the skills employers need.

You can access summaries of grantees by state with project descriptions here.

For maps of grant totals by state for round one, and combined totals from round one and round two, please access them here.