Connect Your Social Network to EITC

Social Network puzzle

As IRS partners and tax preparers, 
you can share the latest EITC news and
information with your social network.

You can download widgets, podcasts,
post tweets and share other available
content even on your Facebook page. 


EITC is Social


Facebook Badge

YouTube Badge

Picture of Tumblr icon

EITC Widgets

Connect with your followers and share

Sample Tweets for Twitter

Share the latest EITC tips in just 140 characters.
Check out the sample EITC twitter messages for use during the 2013 Filing Season. 
Just click, copy & tweet.

EITC Banner Ads

Get the EITC message out - place an EITC Banner on your Internet sites. Visit the Banner Ad page to choose the car or house moneygami ad. All available in English and Spanish

EITC Widgets --Watch this Site for Updates on the Widgets

Help spread the word - place an EITC widget on your Facebook, blog, website, or other social media site. Visit the IRS Marketing Express widgets page and find the EITC widget along with other IRS widgets. Available in  both English and Spanish.

EITC YouTube Videos -

EITC Tax Tips Video on IRS YouTube

Spanish EITC Tax Tips Video on IRS YouTube

Screen Savers, Slide Show, and Social Media Badges

See this page to copy and paste graphics to use as screen savers, in your slide shows, or as media badges. 


Connect to IRS Tumblr page


Use popular EITC hashtags on Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare and more.

Also see,

Our News Release page for a link to the latest news releases on

Our PSA page, with video, audio, and print files. 


Last Updated 1/29/2013