USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Rajiv Shah

Development Labs Launch at Seven Universities

Administrator Rajiv Shah speaks at USAID's Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN) Launch on November 9, 2012.  Photo Credit: Rodney Choice

Last week, OSTP Director John P. Holdren joined USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah in launching the Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN) Read more >>

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USAID Fall Semester Review

It seems this semester is flying by and exams are fast approaching, making this the perfect time to step back and review everything that has happened so far during the USAID Fall Semester. Read more >>

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Embracing Enlightened Capitalism

For decades, strengthening country institutions and developing human capital have been the bread and butter of the development community. Over time, USAID and others have helped countries develop accountable government and civil society services while investing in the health and education of developing country populations. While there is no recipe for reliably delivering sustainable, broad-based [...]

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Commemorating World Food Day 2011

Every year on October 16, we have the opportunity to reflect on the devastating and persisting realities of hunger and undernutrition in our global community. Although it is a single day, World Food Day represents our year-round efforts to end hunger, alleviate suffering and expand opportunity across the world. But this year’s World Food Day [...]

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Using Science to Accelerate Progress on Global Health

By Hillary Chen and Bobby Rosen Originally posted on the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Blog Speaking at the National Institutes of Health yesterday, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Raj Shah delivered a compelling vision of global development: that we can accelerate progress on global health by harnessing science, technology, [...]

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Our Commitment to the People of Pakistan

As I stood on the tarmac in Islamabad yesterday, waiting for the U.S. Air Force Reserve aircraft that would take me to the flood-ravaged southern part of Pakistan, I saw a large group of Pakistani men loading up boxes marked with the USAID brand mark into a local “jingle” truck. I walked over to the [...]

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Flying Over Swat Showed me the True Scope of the Disaster

Shortly after arriving in Pakistan on Tuesday, I met with retired General Nadeem Ahmed, the chairman of Pakistan’s National Disaster Management Authority. As the general took me up in a military helicopter to inspect the once-beautiful but ravaged Swat valley, we spoke openly and candidly about the true extent of the damage wrought by the floodwaters.

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USAID In the News – August 2-6

On Tuesday, Administrator Shah joined President Obama at the White House for the President’s Town Hall with young African leaders to discuss their vision for Africa for the next 50 years.  USAID programs highlight America’s commitment to supporting the next generation of African leaders. On Wednesday, USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah joined Secretary of State [...]

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Interns Meet Administrator Shah

Submitted by Michael J. Del Moro, FrontLines Intern, USAID The buzz about a fresh, youthful energy infiltrating the agency was at full pitch today when a group of student interns got the chance to meet Administrator Shah in an informal setting. For months, young-ins like me had experienced the abundance of energy and passion for [...]

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Long-Term Investments to Bring Real-Life Improvements to People of Pakistan

During Dr. Raj Shah’s whirlwind two-day visit to Pakistan with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the ongoing Strategic Dialogue between the two countries, the U.S. announced more than $500 million in new development assistance for Pakistan.  The new projects include the completion of two hydroelectric dams in South Waziristan and Gilgit-Baltistan that will supply more [...]

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