USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Maternal Health

Success in India Paramount to Ending Preventable Child Deaths Globally

Ariel Pablos-Mendez, PhD, is the Assistant Administrator for Global Health

As I told DevEx during India’s Call to Action Summit, “success in India is paramount to see the global success and vision of ending preventable child deaths in this generation.” Read more >>

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Ethiopia Shares Best Practice for Maternal and Child Survival

Members of the press interview women at a health center in Mikawa, Ethiopia. Photo credit: Nicole Schiegg

In advance of tomorrow’s African Leadership on Child Survival meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Ministry of Health organized a media site-visit to showcase their community health extension program and its impact on the country’s tremendous reductions in child mortality. Read more >>

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Public, Private, and Civil Society Partnerships in Action

Save the Children visits neighborhoods to monitor child health and nutrition, and treat sick children. Photo credit: Gerardo Aráuz

An alliance between USAID, Save the Children and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc. maximizes the use of resources and helps to identify new solutions to challenges affecting Latin America and the Caribbean. Read more >>

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FrontLines Year in Review: Children’s Saviors on the Front Lines

Community health worker Rosalina Casimiro meets with children in Nampula province, Mozambique, to demonstrate how to purify water prior to drinking. Photo credit: Luisa Chadreque, Pathfinder Nampula

Front-line health workers are the first and often the only link to health care for millions of children in the developing world. Read more >>

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Hope Springs in Burma for Maternal and Child Health

With an economy of over $80 billion, growing at over 5 percent annually, Burma presents unique challenges and opportunities for development Read more >>

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Have a Coke and Some Life-Saving Medicine

When was the last time you heard a woman say, “I went to the hospital to have my baby, but they sent me to the drug shop down the street to buy supplies?”

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Working Together to Save Moms & Kids in Afghanistan

A decade ago, Afghanistan’s health system collapsed, leaving crumbling and neglected infrastructure, widespread prevalence of malnutrition, infectious disease, and some of the highest maternal mortality rates the world had ever seen.

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Saving Mothers, Giving Life

Mother and Child Uganda 9 21 12

Imagine that you are a young woman who is pregnant, lives in a remote location far from a hospital, and you have a husband and mother-in law who think giving birth at home with an untrained attendant will suffice. Read more >>

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Child Survival: Did You Know?

America’s legacy in child survival is a proud one: With strong bipartisan support, U.S. support of global health has saved many millions of lives.  Nearly 30 years ago, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), with the support of the U.S. Congress, launched a “child survival revolution” [...]

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Photo of the Week: Kangaroo Care

A new mother holds her baby close to her body as part of a Kangaroo care maternal and child health program in Paraguay.

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