USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Education

FrontLines Feature: How to Get All Children Reading

USAID, World Vision, AusAID, and the U.S. Department of Education are leading the charge in finding early grade reading solutions. Photo Credit: Derek Brown.

Since literacy has been shown to lead to better health, higher incomes and more vibrant democracies, USAID and partners are seeking new solutions to an age-old problem. Read more >>

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Interagency Panel on Economic Statecraft to Create Competitive Foreign Markets

Eric Postel speaks at the Economic Statecraft panel. Photo Credit: Pat Adams, USAID.

Last Monday, December 10, I had the opportunity to speak at an interagency panel on the topic of Economic Statecraft and Developing Partnerships with the Private Sector. Read more >>

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Taking Risks & Developing Partnerships with Burma

Administrator Shah addresses ...... Photo Credit: Pat Adams, USAID.

Higher Education Partnerships are one of many ways that USAID—and U.S. development assistance more broadly—will support the path of development and reform that the people of Burma are undertaking. Read more >>

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Photo of the Week “Education in South Sudan”

In the spirit of International Education Week, we decided to share our favorite picture of children learning in South Sudan.

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Video of the Week: Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on USAID’s Higher Education Solutions Network

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks at the inauguration of USAID’s Higher Education Solutions Network at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. on November 8, 2012.

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Video of the Week “Opportunities Created, Lives Transformed in Nepal”

Check out this  incredible video on opportunities created, lives transformed in Nepal. Over the past five years, USAID’s Education for Income Generation program has helped tens of thousands of youth not only find skills-based work at home but also become employers themselves. Today, 74,000 disadvantaged youth are reaping benefits, with higher incomes, raised living standards, and [...]

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Girls’ Education Transforms Entire Communities

Today, October 11, the world is acknowledging the importance of the girl child. Girls are traditionally the last to receive an education, the last to be fed at the table, and on the whole seen as less valuable than boys.

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Gender Equity Through Education

Regina Anek, a Deputy Director for Gender at South Sudan’s Ministry of Education in Eastern Equatoria state, just saved a 14-year-old girl from an early, forced marriage.

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From the Field: Bangladesh Mission Celebrates International Day of the Girl

In honor of International Day of the Girl, USAID collaborated with the American Center of the U.S. Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh, to gather more than 40 students (girls and boys) from a USAID education program and a local school to spotlight the importance of gender equality and women’s empowerment.

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El Salvador Makes the Grade in Universal Primary Education

I live in the Zaragoza region, one of the poorest areas in central El Salvador. We have limited economic development opportunities for our people, yet one of the highest rates of population density in the country.

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