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7 months ago

...that my video was approved. Should I assume that no news was good news....?

- Erich

last edited 3 months ago

Moderator 7 months ago

Hi Erich,

Thanks for your submission - we currently are reviewing all submissions. What category are you submitting your video for?

Thank you,


7 months ago

Hello Katherine. I submitted videos to all five categories. The reason why I am inquiring about this is that with previous challenges, I always got confirmation that it was approved (I did get confirmation that it was received....) to be in the contest, and perhaps the moderators are handling it different this time. I just wanted to make sure my submissions were a part of the contest.....that's all. Thanks for getting back to me Katherine.

- Erich

3 months ago

Have any of the winners received a check for this contest? I am one of the three that won. I've received contact, I have not been given any dates or concrete status of my prize except that it's still in processing with DFAS. It's been over two months now...

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