United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Hepatitis C

Publications and Products on Hepatitis C

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Publications and Products

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Patient Handouts (Brochures, Booklets, Wallet Cards)

ABCs of Hepatitis C (2005)
This 2-page handout is a guide to the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of hepatitis A, B, and C.
Available: PDF(43K)
Not available in print.
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ABCs of Hepatitis C
Cirrhosis: A Patient's Guide (2007)
A 30-page handbook that explains basic facts about the liver and the liver disease cirrhosis, answers questions about common complications of cirrhosis, gives important information about the most serious emergencies in cirrhosis, and offers tips for keeping the liver healthy.
English language
Cirrhosis: A Patient's Guide
Spanish Language
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Drinking Diary and Change Plan (revised 2010)
Wallet card for patients to record their alcohol use over a 4-week period as a way to monitor and reduce their drinking behavior.
Available: PDF(90K)
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Drinking Diary Card and Change Plan Template
Hepatitis C: An Introductory Guide for Patients (2009)
A 36-page primer on hepatitis C, including information on the liver's functions, laboratory tests, and treatment.
Available: PDFBooklet, folded, color (3.72MB)
PDFBooklet, folded, black & white (1.6MB)
PDFBooklet, single pages, color (5MB)
PDFBooklet, single pages, black & white (1.63MB)
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Hepatitis C: An Introductory Guide for Patients
Hepatitis C and Alcohol
This tri-fold patient educational brochure highlights the dangers of heavy alcohol use on liver disease, illustrating the risks for developing cirrhosis or failing antiviral therapy.
Available: PDF(839K)
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Hepatitis C and Alcohol
Hepatitis C Medications: A Review and Update for Patients (May 2011)
An overview of hepatitis C treatment, including information on the most recently approved drugs.
Available: Online
Hepatitis C Medications
Liver Tumors: A Patient's Guide (August 2011)
A 33-page booklet that helps patients understand what it means when there's a "mass," "lump," "lesion," or "tumor" on their liver.
Available: PDF(5.48MB)
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Liver Tumors: A Patient's Guide
Managing Side Effects of Hepatitis C Treatment (2007)
A 33-page guide for patients that describes ways to manage the more common side effects of interferon treatment. It covers fatigue, aches and pains, sleep, depression, irritability, nausea, loss of appetite, dry skin, and thinning hair.
Available: PDF(704K)
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Cover of booklet Managing Side Effects of Hepatitis C Treatment
New Therapies for Hepatitis C (2012)
A guide for patients who are considering taking one of the new hepatitis C drugs recently approved by the FDA: boceprevir and telaprevir. Includes information on how the drugs work, how they should be taken, what the common side effects are, and questions to discuss with providers.
Available: PDF(704K)
Cover of booklet New Therapies for Hepatitis C
National Liver Transplant Guide (2009)
Patient transplant guide designed to be a reference and to help answer some of the questions about the evaluation, transplantation, and post-transplant period.
Available: Online
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National Liver Transplant Guide
Patient Brochures (2004)
The series of 28 brochures is designed to educate veterans infected with hepatitis A, B, or C and their families, and to provide prevention information to those at risk.
Available: OnlineIndividual brochures downloadable in PDF format
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Side Effects Management Chart
A one-page printable sheet of tips for coping with common side effects of hepatitis C treatment.
Available: Online
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Side Effects Management Chart
Taking Your Hepatitis C Triple Therapy (2012)
One-page printable handouts for providers to give to patients taking one of the new hepatitis C drugs--boceprevir or telaprevir--with tips on how and when to take the medications, and what to do if you miss a dose.
Available: PDFBoceprevir (204K)
PDFTelaprevir (212K)
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Boceprevir handout
Triple Therapy Workbooks (2012)
Workbooks designed for patients to keep on hand throughout their treatment course with boceprevir or telaprevir. Colorful medication schedules illustrate how many of each pill are taken at a given time, when pills must be accompanied by food, with advice on how to plan the times to take each dose.
Boceprevir workbook
Boceprevir Workbook
Telaprevir workbook
Telaprevir Workbook
Wallet Cards (2006)
12 two-sided cards that provide useful tips on ways for hepatitis C patients to take care of their health. About the size of credit cards, they fit nicely into patients' wallets for easy reference. In color or black and white.
Available: Online(Printable PDFs)
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Patient wallet cards

Patient Education (Videos)

ABCs of Hepatitis (2011)
This 15-minute video was created for general education on hepatitis A, B, and C in substance use disorder programs.Transcript included.
Available: Online
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ABCs of Hepatitis video
Living with Hepatitis C: Patient HCV Education Videos (2006)
These four 26-minute videos discuss the liver; hepatitis A, B, and C; treatment; and healthy living. Transcripts included.
Available: Online
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Living with Hepatitis C: Patient HCV Education Videos

Provider-Guided Patient Education (Courses, Toolkits, Slideshows)

All About Your Liver: A Toolkit for Patients with Special Learning Needs (2006)
This 84-page guidebook on hepatitis and the liver is designed for use with patients who have special learning needs, such as severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) or other cognitive impairments. Guides and CD/DVD are available in every VA library.
Available: PDF(4.6MB)
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All About Your Liver toolkit
Hepatitis C Education Class (2006)
This toolkit, a how-to guide for conducting a patient education class on hepatitis C, includes a course guide, slideshow and audio, and slide set. The course guide is available in every VA library.
Available: OnlineSlideshow and audio
PDFCourse guide (4.8MB)
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Hepatitis�C Education Class Course Guide
Reducing Alcohol Use with Brief Intervention: Resources
These toolkit resources offer a patient-centered approach to reduce alcohol use among patients with hepatitis C.
Available: OnlineTeaching Guide
PDFTeaching Guide (1.7MB)
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Teaching Guide

Provider Resources (Posters, Pocketcards)

Audit-C (1990)
A 3-item version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) to identify persons with hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption.
Available: Online
Audit-C Scoring Cards (2010)
The Audit-C is given to thousands of VA patients. These cards show how your drinking compares to other Veterans.
Scoring card for men
Scoring card for women
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Audit-C Scoring Card
Do You Have Hepatitis C? It Takes 2 Different Tests to Know for Sure
Patient flyers (8-1/2" x 11") explaining the need for confirmatory tests. Copy reads:
It takes 2 different tests to know for sure.
1. SCREENING TEST: Indicates whether you were ever exposed to the Hepatitis C virus
2. CONFIRMATORY TEST: Indicates whether you currently have Hepatitis C
Confirmatory testing flyer
Version 1
Confirmatory testing flyer
Version 2
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Hepatitis C: Should You Get Tested?
This 8-1/2" x 11" poster encourages veterans to be tested for hepatitis C. It lists the risk factors for hepatitis C and suggests that veterans speak to their doctor or nurse about making an appointment.
Available: PDF(39K)
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Hepatitis C: Should You Get Tested?
The purpose of this card is to help providers discuss alcohol use with Veterans with hepatitis C. The double-sided card contains tips and reminders: the OARS side discusses motivational interviewing; the FLO side discusses brief interventions. This card, with its brief scripts, may be used in conjunction with the HCRC Teaching Guide. (Use this card instead of the Motivational Counseling card that was previously available.)
Available: PDF(146K)
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Vaccination against Hepatitis A & B (2009)
This pocket card and poster are intended to educate health care providers on how to vaccinate against hepatitis A and/or B. Includes chart of who should receive these vaccines.
Vaccination against Hepatitis A & B (Pocketcard)
PDF(516K) Poster will automatically scale to fit various paper sizes, from 8-1/2" x 11" to 18" x 24".
Vaccination against Hepatitis A & B (Poster)
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Provider Education (Toolkits, Classes)

Evaluating Liver Test Abnormalities: Understanding the Pathophysiology of Liver Disease
A web-based course, tailored to mid-level providers, designed to provide a practical approach to the evaluation of abnormal liver chemistries in the context of a broad understanding of the pathophysiology of liver injury.
Available: Online
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Evaluating Liver Test Abnormalities: Understanding the Pathophysiology of Liver Disease
Initiating and Maintaining a Hepatitis C Support Group (2003)
A 48-page primer for conceptualizing the structure and purpose of a support group. Provides rationale, development process, sample documents, and resources.
Available: Online
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Initiating and Maintaining a Hepatitis C Support Group

Guidelines and Recommendations

Guidance for Hepatitis C Treatment Monitoring (2012)
Guidance for monitoring patients on peginterferon + ribavirin plus a protease inhibitor (boceprevir or telaprevir).
Available: PDF(369K)
Guidance for Hepatitis C Treatment Monitoring (2012)
Hepatitis C Virus Antibody Screening Flow Chart (2009)
Algorithm for hepatitis C virus antibody screening.
Available: Online
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Hepatitis C Virus Antibody Screening Flow Chart, 2009
Update on the Management and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection (2012)
Review of management, treatment, patient selection and monitoring of hepatitis C.
Available: Online
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Update on the Management and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection, 2012
Management and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in HIV-Infected Adults (2005)
Review of management, treatment, patient selection and monitoring of hepatitis C in HIV-infected patients.
Available: Online
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Management and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in HIV-Infected Adults, 2005
Management and Treatment of Patients With Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension (2009)
Literature review and summary of recommended interventions.
Available: Online
Quicknotes (abbreviated version)
Online(web page and downloadable algorithm for a PDA)
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Management and Treatment of Patients With Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension, 2009
Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (2009)
This guide offers current recommendations on surveillance, diagnosis, staging, and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Available: Online

To order print copies, contact Shawn.Green@va.govOpens your email to send a message
Quicknotes (abbreviated version)
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Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma


State of Care for Veterans with Chronic Hepatitis C
A 61-page report that describes the distribution of Veterans with chronic HCV within VHA and provides basic demographic data on this population.
Available: PDF(984KB)
State of Care for Veterans with Chronic Hepatitis C
Provider Feedback Forum on HCV Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care
Summary report from the February 28, 2008 forum on "HCV Diagnosis, Treatment and Care."
Available: PDF(173KB)