Families with Children

Families with Children

Photograph by Ren Haoyuan, 2009. Reprinted with permission of The National Center on Family Homelessness.

Opening Doors sets a goal to end homelessness for families by 2020. That seems like a long time from now.  For every child experiencing homelessness today, we need to act urgently. According to HUD's 2010 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress nearly 242,000 persons in families experience homelessness on a given night in America.   In addition, the Department of Education reports that nearly one million children were identified as homeless over the course of the 2009-2010 school year by public schools.

We know that families on the verge of homelessness or who become homeless have very different circumstances and therefore very different needs to avert or escape homelessness. The most common reasons for families becoming homeless are the inability to find affordable housing, the insufficiency of subsidized housing, loss of a job or work that doesn’t pay enough to afford housing. In addition, other factors include foreclosures on owned or rented property, domestic violence, having children at a young age, or not having a social support network. Preventing and ending homelessness for all families needs to be approached with a range of strategies. In addition, we need to be increasingly better at targeting the right interventions to the right families so that scarce resources are used as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Preventing and ending homelessness for families with children needs to be a partnership across all levels of government, across all disciplines, and with the private sector.

What the federal government is doing

What local communities can do

More from experts in the field

Below you will find information and resources focused specifically on improving outcomes for families and children experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. 


Keeping the Momentum for Ending Youth Homelessness: Reflections from Indianapolis and Beyond

NLIHC Releases New Report on Renters in Foreclosure

What We're Talking About: The Week at USICH - September 4-7

The Siemer Institute on Family Stability: Maintaining Housing Stability to Ensure Academic Success

What will it take to end family homelessness?

Checklist: Ten Principles of Care for Families and Children Experiencing Homelessness

Fact Sheets

Opening Doors: Homelessness Among Families

Current Trends According to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Point In Time (PIT) data, the number of persons ...

Helpful Websites

Making Home Affordable Program

http://www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/ Homepage for the Obama Administration's Making Home Affordable ...

National Center for Homeless Education

http://center.serve.org/nche/ibt/ibt.php The SERVE Center contains resources for state and local governments and service providers ...


Children’s Health Insurance Program: CHIP

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a partnership between the Federal and State government that provides health ...

Related Research

Variations in Maternal and Child Wellbeing by TANF Participation

Nancy E. Reichman, Julien O. Teitler, Irwin Garfinkel, and Sandra Garcia January 2004 "This study uses baseline and one year ...

Promoting Medicaid and Food Stamp Participation

LaDonna Pavetti, Kathleen Maloy, and Liz Schott June 2002 This study, 'Promoting Medicaid and Food Stamp Participation: ...

Final Report: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Sound Families Initiative

Jami Bodonyi, Laura Orlando, Briana Yancey, Renee Lamberjack, and Oma McClaughlin September 2008 Launched in 2000, Sound Families ...

Housing Patterns of Low Income Families With Children

Daniel Gubits, Jill Khadduri and Jennifer Turnham September 2009 Housing Patterns of Low Income Families With Children: Further ...

Permanent Housing For Homeless Families: A Review of Opportunities and Impediments

Jill Khadduri and Bulbul Kaul Fall 2007 This report focuses on the role of federally funded rental housing subsidies in helping ...

Effects of Housing Choice Vouchers on Welfare Families

Gregory Mills, Daniel Gubits, Larry Orr, David Long, Judie Feins, Bulbul Kaul, and Michelle Wood September 2006 This report ...

Evaluation of the Sound Families Initiative, Early Exits: Lessons Learned from Families Asked to Leave Transitional Housing Programs

Jami Bodonyi, Laura Orlando, Briana Yancey, and Renee Lamberjack April 2006 In 2000, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ...

Family Permanent Supportive Housing: Preliminary Researchon Family Characteristics, Program Models, and Outcomes

Ellen L. Bassuk, Nicholas Huntington, Cheryl H. Amey, Kim Lampereur February 2006 Homelessness in America is a tragic and ...

Testing a Typology of Family Homelessness

Dennis P. Culhane, Stephen Metraux, Jung Min Park, Maryanne Schretzman and Jesse Valente May 2007 This study tests a typology of ...

Characteristics of Transitional Housing for Homeless Families

Martha R. Burt September 7, 2006 This report was written in preparation for a larger study sponsored by HUD’s Office of ...

Health Behaviors and Infant Health Outcomes in Homeless Pregnant Women in The United States

Rickelle Richards, Ray M. Merrill, and Laurie Baksh August 2011 The objective of this study is to describe select demographics, ...

U.S. Housing Insecurity and the Health of Very Young Children

Diana Becker Cutts, Alan F. Meyers, Maureen M. Black, Patrick H. Casey, Mariana Chilton, John T. Cook, Joni Geppert, Stephanie ...

Homeless Children: Update on Research, Policy, Programs, and Opportunities

Judith Samuels, Marybeth Shinn, and John C. Buckner May 2010 This paper provides an update on the research, policy, laws, and ...

An Exploration of Child Maltreatment Among Homeless Families: Implications For Family Policy 

John T. Pardeck May 2005 This research explores the incidence of child maltreatment among homeless families. The maltreatment ...

The Patterns and Costs of Services Use among Homeless Families

Dennis Culhane, Jung Min Park, Stephen Metraux October 2011 This study examines families’ use of behavioral health ...

Homeless Families and Children

John C. Buckner and Debra J. Rog May 6, 2010 Since the mid-1990s, there has been continued research and policy interest in ...

Predictors of Homelessness and Doubling-Up Among at Risk Families

Angela Fertig and David Reingold August 2008 Over the last 25 years homeless families with children have emerged as a distinct ...

Characteristics and Dynamics of Homeless Families with Children

Debra J. Rog, C. Scott Holupka and Lisa C. Patton Fall 2007 Westat, in collaboration with Vanderbilt University’s Center for ...

TANF Leavers: Examining the Relationship Between the Receipt of Housing Assistance and Post-TANF Well-Being

David C. Mancuso, Charles J. Lieberman, Vanessa L. Lindler, and Anne Moses 2003 This article describes the results of a study ...

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

National Runaway and Homeless Youth FYSB Grantee Conference

USICH Webpages

Program Profile: Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) McCarver Special Housing Program

The problem of high school mobility is one that affects many students and districts across the nation, and McCarver Elementary School ...

Experts Share Successes on Using Mainstream Resources for Families Experiencing Homelessness

The September 2012 USICH Council meeting on family homelessness featured two experts from the field: Associate Executive Director of ...

September 2012 Council Meeting Focuses on Mainstream Resources for Families

On September 12, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) hosted the third Council meeting of the year, which focused on ...