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Financial Readiness Branch

(254) 288-2862
Building 121, The Rivers Building
Corner of 761st Tank Battalion Ave. & T.J. Mills Boulevard.
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 0730-1630hrs

(254) 553-4698
Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Training Center
Personal Financial Assistance Center
Building 12020, Suite 400, 31ST Street.
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 0800-1700hrs
Financial Readiness Branch

Army Emergency Relief
Commanders' Referral Program
Application for AER Financial Assistance click here

Consumer Affairs Office

287-CITY (2489)
The Consumer Affairs Office offers many services to Fort Hood Soldiers, family members, retirees and DoD civilians.

Education Briefings
Topics include: purchase of cars, new and used and car repair, door-to-door sales (signing contracts for magazines, encyclopedias, photo clubs, educational (CLEP) materials, etc.), telemarketing and mail fraud schemes, car repossessions, tax preparation and refund loan costs, and many other subjects.

Use Car sales lot Module 1: Choosing the Right Vehicles
View Slides by clicking
Mechanic working under the hood of a car Module 2: Inspections, Warranties, and Financing
View Slides by clicking
Salesman at desk pressuring a customer Module 3: Closing the Deal
View Slides by clicking
~ Please take the test here PDF or Word DOC ~
If you have viewed the training slides, taken test, please email us your name, rank status, unit and test answers here.

Pre-Purchase Information and Advice
You can call CAO for information on specific businesses and advice on many consumer subjects. Brochures and other literature on a variety of consumer subjects are available. You may also obtain phone numbers and addresses for local, state, federal and corporate consumer affairs agencies.

Complaint Resolution and Requests for Assistance
Consumers who need assistance in resolving problems can call for an appointment. Walk-ins will be seen upon space availability.

Consumer Affairs Tabloid
The Ft. Hood Consumer Affairs Office publishes a monthly ConsumSill shot of Anunual Credit Report Videoer Affairs Tabloid that discusses common concerns and topics to help increase consumer awareness. To see a list of Consumer Affairs Tabloids currently available, click here.


Solicitation Office

The Fort Hood Solicitation Office offers assistance to commercial and home based businesses and their authorized agents interested in conducting business on Fort Hood by:

Red Flag Providing solicitation information and service.

Red Flag Processing applications for permits to do business on post.

Red Flag Issuing and annually renewing permits.

Red Flag Monitoring the actions of the permit holders for regulation compliance.

Red Flag Initiating investigations upon receiving complaints of violations of AR 210-7, FH Regulation 210-7 Supplement and FH Regulation 210-5.

See this important message from the Texas Department of Insurance and the Department of Defense Reguarding the sale of Life Insurance to the Military.

Consumer Affairs and Financial Assistance Program (CAFAP)

The mission of CAFAP is to proactively educate the Soldiers, family members, retirees and DoD civilians of Fort Hood in matters of personal financial responsibility. In addition to weekly basicCross Word Puzzel click to go to puzzel money management classes, CAFAP offers special personal financial management and consumer education classes that target specific financial issues. The objective of the program is to enhance and maintain mission readiness and quality of life by teaching Soldiers, family members, retirees and DoD civilians how to be informed and responsive consumers.

Command Financial Specialist Program (CFSP)

This is a command program, which helps prepare Soldiers and families to deal with financial situations for deployments as well as the financial realities of day-to-day military life. The program is designed to provide commanders a mechanism through which financial education, training, counseling, and referral procedures are established in their units to promote sound financial practices, personal integrity, and financial responsibility.

The objective of the program is to enhance and maintain mission readiness and quality of life by providing Soldiers and their family members a ready-made program to help achieve personal financial readiness and deployability through the use of sound money management and consumer skills.

Army Emergency Relief (AER)

The AER Program plays a unique and important role in helping the Army "Take Care of Its Own." The AER office provides emergency financial assistance to Soldiers, both active and retired, and their family members during period of valid emergencies. 

AER is private nonprofit organization whose sole mission is to collect and hold funds to relieve financial distress of Soldiers and their family members. Although a private organization, AER exists solely for the Soldier. AER belongs to all Army people, active, retired, and the spouses and orphans of deceased Soldiers.

Approval of an AER loan is based on the need created by an emergency beyond the control of the Soldier. Although each loan application is considered on its own merit, the AER office should be the last aid station when all other agencies have been unable to assist (Red Cross, Finance, other ACS programs, etc.  AER will consider cases in the following areas:

  • Non-Receipt of Pay
  • Loss of Funds
  • Medical, Dental and Hospital
  • Funeral Expenses
  • Required Travel Expenses
  • Food
  • Rent Utilities
  • Essential POV Repair Privation

AER is unable to provide assistance for abortions, bad checks, civilian court fees, fines or judgments, bail bonds, liens, legal fees, credit card bills, telephone bills, marriages, divorces, ordinary leaves or vacations, liquidation/consolidation of debts, overdrawn bank accounts/overdrafts, state or federal income taxes. Soldiers applying for AER assistance must first see their Command Financial Specialist (CFS). The CFS will then schedule an appointment with the AER office. The unit commander must sign all AER  Forms 600 or 700. Application of Financial Assistance. The primary goal of AER is to meet every valid emergency for the Soldier and the family member. Continued command and individual support, prompt repayment of loans, and the use of the AER Program for valid emergencies will ensure the continued availability of AER funds for all Soldiers.

Commanders' Referral Program
The Commanders' Referral Program is designed to provide a quick and simple procedure for processing emergency assistance request. This gives a Soldier an option other than pay-day loans. Company/Battery Commanders/First Sergeants are authorized to approve under this category of assistance up to $1,500.00.

Once the Commander/First Sergeant has approves the request the Soldier will bring the following directly to the Army Emergency Relief (AER) Office, Rivers Building 121, Room 129:

  1. Latest End of Month Leave and Earnings Statements (LES)
  2. Completed AER Form (Commander's Referral Program - Application for Army Emergency Relief Financial Assistance) with appropriate signatures.
  3. Military ID Card

New Policy!

Effective 1 September 2011, the following ranks no longer require their Company Commander or First Sergeant’s signature on AER Applications when they are requesting financial help for themselves:

  1. Master Sergeants and above
  2. Chief Warrant Officer 3 and above
  3. Captains and above

Course Descriptions:

Mandatory Personal Financial Management Training for First Term Soldiers

Family members are welcome on a space available basis.
Every Wednesday at 1230-1630hrs
Location: Rivers Building 121, Corner of T.J. Mills Road and 761st Tank Battalion.
This course is comprised of 8 sessions mandated by Department of the Army for First Term Soldiers. This class teaches how to develop a personal budget/spending plan; recognize signs of financial trouble and where to get assistance; the importance of credit; how to establish a savings account, emergency savings and long term savings; how to make the best consumer decisions; how to plan for large and small purchases; and how to plan insurance needs on life, auto, personal property, and home. 

Credit Booster

Learn how to read and understand your credit report; how a credit score is determined and how you can improve your score. Learn how to correct errors found on your credit report which can reflect on your credit score. Also, you will learn how to understand the calculation of finance charges and how to lower your interest rate.


Discover the differences in banking institutions. This class places emphasis on record keeping and personal organization of finances.

Budget/Debt Management

This class teaches how to create an accurate budget/spending plan that you can stick to and that meets your need; plus information and strategies for managing personal debt; how to escape its clutches and improve your credit score.

Saving and Investing

This class provides and overview of all types of saving and investment products; this class covers the basic information needed to understand how savings plans and different types of investments work. The topics covered include IRA’s, 401K’s, TSP, 529 plans, and money markets accounts.

Understanding Insurance

Students will learn the basics of understanding insurance. The instructor will discuss the different reasons for purchasing insurance (life, auto, home, and renter’s). 

Home Buying

Buying your first home can be overwhelming. You will learn home buying terms such as down payment, mortgage, escrow, financing, home inspection, survey, property taxes, fees, titles, insurance, and legal responsibilities.

Consumer Affairs and Identity Theft

The goal of this class is to help the soldier and their families make smart consumer decisions and how to avoid problems in our increasingly complex marketplace. Subjects include purchasing a car and auto repairs; dispelling myths and avoiding scams; telemarketing, internet and mail fraud schemes; consumer laws, and many other topics. Information is provided on how to resolve disputes effectively and what role local, state, and federal agencies play in protecting consumers.

FREE CREDIT REORTS: or 1-877-322-8228 (To schedule an appointment to review your credit reports call 287-2489.)

Homeowners Assistance Program
The program is authorized by law, and administered by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to assist eligible homeowners who face financial loss when selling their primary residence homes in areas where real estate values have declined because of a base closure or realignment announcement.

Making Home Affordable Program
A plan to stabilize the housing market and help up to 7 to 9 million Americans reduce their monthly mortgage payments to more affordable levels.

A portal to various tools to assist Soldiers, Families and Civilians locate resources for housing issues.

Last Revised 9/6/2012