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The Tennessee Valley, home to NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, is the birthplace of America’s space program. Marshall continues to be the leader in developing the space systems America needs to journey into low Earth orbit, the moon, and beyond. Congressman Brooks, through his membership on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, fights for NASA and America’s preeminence in space.

This has been a challenging couple of years, with the Obama Administration canceling the Constellation program during the 111th Congress and continuing to divert funding from the new Space Launch System and Orion Multipurpose Crew Vehicle. Congressman Brooks is hopeful that these programs are now on a steady path to success. That being said, the Congressman, along with other Members on both sides of the aisle, have expressed concerns about the President’s proposed FY 2013 NASA budget via Congressional hearings, meetings, and letters to key appropriators, and will continue to monitor NASA’s progress on these key programs.

For more information concerning my work and views on NASA issues, please contact my Washington, DC office.

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