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Speeches and Remarks

Excerpts from the Remarks of Ambassador Hugo Llorens at the Honduran Journalists’ Day Celebration Lunch

June 9, 2011

“Honduran Journalists’ Day is a day in which we celebrate the incalculable role that the media plays in supporting democracy by keeping the public informed.  Their work is indispensable in creating a well informed citizenry; a responsive, transparent government; and a healthy civil society.”

“I believe that journalists have a strong obligation not only to report the news, but also to present themes in a way that contributes to keeping citizens well-informed about what is going on in society, and permits people to be more active in strengthening their country, society and institutions.  There is no doubt that journalism has a role in educating and supporting a civic ethic, which is the essence of a strong democracy and a prosperous country full of opportunity.”

“In the U.S., we are proud of our tradition of freedom of speech and respect media workers even when their coverage seems hostile or unfair towards our interests and points of view.”

“We also congratulate you for recognizing that with freedom comes the responsibility to provide media coverage that respects victims of crime and does not contribute to a culture of sensationalism and violence.”

“These last years have been especially difficult for you and your colleagues.  We share your deep concern about threats against media workers.  All those who explain to the people what they believe to be happening in the world deserve respect and protection from violence and intimidation, as well as the right to speak and write without censorship.”

“We are doing all we can to support the investigations into the circumstances of the cases of violence against journalists in Honduras.  The murder of media workers strikes at the very heart of civil society and democracy.  You who risk your lives and well-being to report the news are heroes.”

“With Honduras’ return to the OAS I feel that the country is returning to normal, and has greater strength to face the challenges of improving citizen security, eradicating poverty, and improving health and education systems.  I hope the lessons we learned through the crisis in 2009 will prevent such an event from ever happening again, and that a democracy emerges that truly represents the interests and yearning of the noble [Honduran] people.  I am an optimist, and you can always count on me to do what I can to help this marvelous country.”

“Allow me to salute each and every one of you for the work you do and for the contributions that you make to your profession and your country.  Happy Journalists’ Day!”