Scientific Data and Tools

On this page, you will find information and links related to data, products, and tools sponsored by the NCCWSC.

Applications and Tools

  • Name:  ScienceBase Catalog
  • Description:  ScienceBase provides a data cataloging and collaborative data management platform for USGS scientists and partners. ScienceBase provides a central search and discovery application along with Web services that facilitate other applications. Research communities can set up their own "virtual catalogs" that contain items of particular import to their work.
  • Link:

  • Name: Downscaled Climate Geo Data Portal
  • Description: The Geo Data Portal is a tool to translate gridded time series climate data to landscape polygons. The Geo Data Portal provides access to a growing catalog of climate datasets. Users can also use the Geo Data Portal to access datasets not in the catalog if they are available via a common set of web service standards.
  • Link:

  • Name:  COAPS Regional Downscaling for the Southeast United States
  • Description:  The Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) Regional Downscaling Data Server consists of two main components: downscaling of Global Reanalyses for the period 1979-2000 and downscaling of Global Climate Models for the periods 1968-2000 and 2038-2070. Variables for model output include temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind etc. 
  • Link: