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Press Releases 2011

U.S., Honduran Officials Discuss Citizen Safety

November 18, 2011
Meeting between U.S. and Honduran security officials. (State Dept. Photo)

Meeting between U.S. and Honduran security officials. (State Dept. Photo)

TEGUCIGALPA – This morning, Ambassador Lisa Kubiske hosted a meeting between senior U.S. and Honduran officials to discuss our joint security efforts and the continuing security challenges facing Honduras and the region.  General Douglas Fraser, Commander of U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), and USAID Assistant Administrator Mark Feierstein joined the Ambassador in a meeting with Security Minister Pompeyo Bonilla and National Police Director Jose Ricardo Ramirez to discuss current U.S. and Honduran security cooperation initiatives and avenues to enhance our collaborative efforts to improve citizen safety in Honduras.

Ambassador Kubiske, General Fraser, and Mr. Feierstein will also meet later this morning with Minister of Defense Marlon Pascua.