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Press Releases 2011

Embassy Welcomes Truth Commission Report

July 7, 2011

TEGUCIGALPA - The Embassy of the United States in Honduras welcomes the release of the report of the Truth Commission and the high standard of objectivity and independence that the commissioners have shown in analyzing the events of 2009.  We hope that the report will contribute to understanding and reconciliation in Honduras and help the Honduran people chart a course towards full reconciliation and prevents future political and constitutional crisis.  The report contains valuable recommendations that deserve to be carefully studied through a process that seeks social consensus on important reforms to strengthen Honduras’s democratic institutions and respect for human rights.

The United States worked hard, as a friend of Honduras, to promote political dialogue and reconciliation both before and after the political crisis.  The United States values its friendship and partnership with Honduras and its people and remains committed to working with the Government of Honduras to meet challenges that our two countries face as we move forward.