General Electric

General Electric Invests $600 Million to Expand Production in Louisville, KY

In December 2009, General Electric Co.’s Appliances & Lighting division announced plans to increase production at its Louisville, Kentucky, location in Appliance Park over three years with three new energy efficient product lines.  The decision to house this new production in the United States and Louisville was expected to add 830 manufacturing and engineering jobs at the facility, which represents a $600 million GE investment.

“We are making big investments in new products and in energy-efficient technologies that are creating American jobs,” 

“We can’t make these products in the U.S. competitively without everyone coming to the table — unions, the Company, employees, local/state/federal officials.”

-- Jim Campbell, President and CEO of General Electric Appliance & Lighting

The GeoSpring Hybrid Water Heater was the first completely new product line to be made in the Louisville factory in over fifty years, and General Electric plans to continue its investment in the green technology sector in the United States.



  • $800 million investment in Appliance Park
  • 1,000 new employees hired in 2012 alone
  • Plans to add 380 employees later this summer -- total number of working production employees will be 772