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Publication Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2004

Brian A. Reaves, Ph.D.

August 1, 2006    NCJ 212750

Reports the results of a biennial census of Federal agencies employing personnel with arrest and firearms authority. Using agency classifications, the report presents the number of officers working in the areas of police response and patrol, criminal investigation and enforcement, inspections, security and protection, court operations, and corrections, by agency and State, as of September 2004. Data on gender and race of officers are also included.


  • Federal officers' duties included criminal investigation (38%), police response and patrol (21%), corrections and detention (16%), court operations (5%), and security and protection (4%).
  • The combined officer employment of CBP and ICE in 2004 was 21% greater than the comparable combined totals of the INS, U.S. Customs Service, and Federal Protective Service in 2002.
  • Women accounted for 16% of Federal officers in 2004. A third of Federal officers were members of a racial or ethnic minority in 2004. This included 17.7% who were Hispanic and Latino, and 11.4% who were black or African American.

Part of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Series

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Census of Federal Law Enforcement Officers

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