Multiple Test and Software Systems

Another useful redundancy is running multiple test systems, either in-house or by vendors. If multiple test systems are used—including different multiplex kits—the profiles from each should be compared. Even though there is a match in one system, there may be a nonmatch in another as a result of a mutation, testing problems, or differences in the power of exclusion. Of course, all discrepancies must be resolved prior to reporting an identification.

Redundancy of software systems, such as multiple matching and kinship programs, may also be considered. In addition, the particular realities of each mass fatality incident may require new software approaches. If a program is written—or significantly modified—for a particular event, it may be advisable to run “control” data through another software system to ensure consistent results. Relying on a new version of software without testing it against a validation data set can lead to errors in identifications, especially in terms of finding and ordering partial profiles. In the World Trade Center identification effort, validation data sets were critical to ensuring that the continually evolving software programs were operating properly.