United States Institute of Peace

The Iran Primer


Iran Responds to U.N. on Nuclear Program

            Tehran is serious about upcoming talks with the six world powers, and expects them to be forthcoming, according to a statement

Obama: Time for a Diplomatic Solution

            On February 12, President Obama said Iran’s leaders “must recognize that now is the time for a diplomatic solutio

Nuclear Issue: Why is Iran Negotiating?

            The Islamic Republic is under increasing domestic and international pressure to be more flexible on its nuclear program, accord

What is Iran’s Strategy at New Talks?

Alireza Nader

Supreme Leader Rejects U.S. Overture

            On February 7, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei rejected an offer by Vice President Joe Biden for direct talks.

Solving the Iranian Nuclear Puzzle

            Iran is still years away from developing nuclear weapons, according to a new report by the Arms Control Association.

What are Prospects for Progress at New Talks?

Bruce Riedel
The world’s six major powers and Iran are due to hold the f

What are Prospects for Progress at New Talks?

Bruce Riedel
The world’s six major powers and Iran are due to hold the f

Chuck Hagel on Iran at Senate Hearing

            On January 31, defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel said the United States should pursue all diplomatic options with Iran, inc

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