Population Studies Conducted by the NIST Forensics/Human Identity Project Team

Team Members: John M. Butler (Forensic DNA Project Leader), Erica L.R. Butts, Michael D. Coble, David L. Duewer (Chemical Sciences Division), Carolyn R. "Becky" Hill, Kevin Kiesler, Margaret C. Kline, Peter M. Vallone (DNA Biometrics Project Leader)

Former Team Members: Kristen Lewis O'Connor (NRC postdoc 2009-2011), Janette W. Redman (retired Jan 2011), Amy Decker Hazelwood (to AFDIL in Nov 2009)

$Funding from the National Institute of Justice through the NIST Office of Law Enforcement Standards and the FBI Biometric Center of Excellence through the NIST Information Access Division

During the summer of 2002, our project team obtained over 600 anonymous male samples from Interstate Blood Bank (Memphis, TN) in the form of liquid blood. There are also 37 anonymous male DNA samples from Millennium Biotech (Ft. Lauderdale, FL). These samples, which come from U.S. Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic males (self-identified), were subjected to a bulk extraction in order to obtain microgram to milligram quantities of DNA for each individual. In 2007, a set of anonymous 800 father/son samples from U.S. Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, and Asian individuals were provided to NIST from DNA Diagnostics Center (Fairfield, OH). We have an ongoing effort with these samples to examine a number of DNA markers that are used or may be used in the future for human identity testing applications. DNA typing information on these samples is described below:

DNA Data     [Autosomal Markers] [Y-Chromosome Markers] [Mitochondrial DNA]

NIST 1036 U.S. Population Dataset - 29 autosomal STR loci and 23 Y-STR loci


Autosomal Markers

Autosomal STRs - 15 Loci and amelogenin using the Identifiler kit (Applied Biosystems)

Autosomal STRs - 15 Loci and amelogenin using the PowerPlex kit (Promega Corporation)

Autosomal STRs - 16 Loci and amelogenin using the PowerPlex ESX 17 & ESI 17 kits (Promega Corporation)

miniSTR data - 8 Loci and amelogenin using the MiniFiler kit (Applied Biosystems)

miniSTR data - 12 of CODIS STR loci as reduced size PCR products

New STR and miniSTR data - originally 6 and now 26 non-CODIS (NC) STR loci as reduced size PCR products

Autosomal SNPs - 70 Loci in 12 NIST multiplexes based on Orchid Cellmark information

Autosomal SNPs - SNPforID 34-plex ancestry test

Autosomal Insertion/Deletion Markers - 68 InDel markers including Qiagen's DIPlex assay


Y-Chromosome Markers

Y-STRs - 22 Loci using 2 NIST multiplexes (20plex) (11plex)

Yfiler - commercial Y-STR kit from Applied Biosystems that amplifies 17 loci

New Y-STR Loci - 27 additional loci

Y-SNPs - 50 Loci using Marligen Signet kit and 3 NIST multiplexes


Mitochondrial DNA

mtDNA Typing - 10 HVI/HVII sites probed with LINEAR ARRAYS (Roche)

mtDNA Sequencing - control region sequences and entire mtGenome


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Last Updated: 11/27/2012