Training and Continuing Education

You will be well equipped to widen and deepen your law career with the Office of Chief Counsel’s many training opportunities and programs. Explore:

  • A multi-million dollar training program
  • Traditional classroom instruction, distance learning via satellite as well as video- and computer-based training
  • Courses/training offered in over 30 different topics
  • Basic skills courses to graduate-level law school classes
  • Instruction by top specialists in the tax law field utilizing state-of-the-art teaching methods
  • Cross-agency training opportunities
  • Ability to regularly attend courses and seminars sponsored by Bar Associations, colleges, and universities
  • Graduate-level law school classes in conjunction with New York University School of Law
  • The opportunity to earn credits toward your Master of Laws in Taxation at either New York University School of Law (NYU) or Georgetown University Law Center

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