Maternal and Child Health Training Program

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Children's Research Institute

Grant Title: Collaborative Office Rounds

Web Site: Children's Research Institute Project Exit Disclaimer

Project Director(s):

Mary Ann Murphy, MD
Children's Research Institute
700 Children’s Drive
Timken Hall, 2nd floor
Columbus, OH  43205
Phone: (614) 722-2291
FAX: (614) 722-0491


There are too few child psychiatrists to be able to manage all behavior problems and psychiatric disorders of children. COR offers a solution to bridge the gap to resources available by providing joint pediatric child psychiatry continuing education in the psychosocial aspects of child health.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: Foster pediatric-child psychiatry continuing education in the social developmental aspects of health utilizing a study group approach that emphasizes challenges confronted by community practitioners Objective 1: Increase by 10% the amount of communication between pediatricians and child psychiatrists that occurs outside the scope of COR meetings by 2015. Objective 2: Increase by 10% the use of a more comprehensive approach to health supervision as outlined in Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children and Adolescents by 2015. Objective 3: variations, problems and disorders of mental health. Objective 1: Objective 1: Enhance understanding of psychosocial aspects of child development, disorders and disabilities and increase by 10% practitioner’s ability to help childrenand families deal with these issues by 2015. Objective 2: Objective 2: Increase by 10% the clinician’s power to discriminate between transient disturbances and more serious psychiatric disorders that require referral by 2015.


The MCH collaborative peer supervision group being utilized in this MCH COR will continue to strengthen the 3 fundamental differences from previous collaborative efforts: 1) it emphasizes a relationship-based perspective that acknowledges the important role that feelings and emotions play across the lifespan, 2) group members are drawn from different disciplines including early intervention, social work, nursing, and family therapy, not just from pediatrics and child psychiatry, and 3) no one individual or discipline is the expert. The purpose of the project is to improve the clinician’s ability to assess, treat, or appropriately refer children with developmental variations, problems and disorders of mental health, and to promote the formation of collaborative peer groups. Coordination There are currently no other agencies involved with MCH COR HP 2010 Objectives: Our COR groups focuses on three HP 2010 domains: 1) Access to Quality Health Services; 2) Mental Health and Mental Disorders and 3) Health Communication/Patient Education.


There are currently no other agencies involved with MCH COR


Impact of the project will be measured by: 1) Questionnaires given to COR members at the end of each project year with both qualitative and quantitative components; 2) Quantitative summary of continuing medical education forms; 3) Summary of attendance patterns; 4) new web-based resources added to the OAIMH Web site and change scores on the 5a) Index of Interdisciplinary Collaboration and 5b) Cultural Diversity and Coltural competency self-Assessment Checklist.

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