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6 Exponential, Logarithmic, Sine, and Cosine IntegralsComputation

§6.19 Tables


§6.19(i) Introduction

Lebedev and Fedorova (1960) and Fletcher et al. (1962) give comprehensive indexes of mathematical tables. This section lists relevant tables that appeared later.

§6.19(ii) Real Variables

  • Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 5) includes x-1Si(x), -x-2Cin(x), x-1Ein(x), -x-1Ein(-x), x=0(.01)0.5; Si(x), Ci(x), Ei(x), E1(x), x=0.5(.01)2; Si(x), Ci(x), xe-xEi(x), xexE1(x), x=2(.1)10; xf(x), x2g(x), xe-xEi(x), xexE1(x), x-1=0(.005)0.1; Si(πx), Cin(πx), x=0(.1)10. Accuracy varies but is within the range 8S–11S.

  • Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 652, 689) includes Si(x), Ci(x), x=0(.5)20(2)30, 8D; Ei(x), E1(x), x=[0,100], 8S.

§6.19(iii) Complex Variables, z=x+iy

  • Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 5) includes the real and imaginary parts of zezE1(z), x=-19(1)20, y=0(1)20, 6D; ezE1(z), x=-4(.5)-2, y=0(.2)1, 6D; E1(z)+lnz, x=-2(.5)2.5, y=0(.2)1, 6D.

  • Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 690–692) includes the real and imaginary parts of E1(z), ±x=0.5,1,3,5,10,15,20,50,100, y=0(.5)1(1)5(5)30,50,100, 8S.