Success Stories

Training Puts Rural Girl with Disabilities on Path to Becoming an IT Professional

Vuong attends an IT training session at Van Lang University

A long bout with high fever forever altered the course of energetic Trinh Thi Vuong's life at the tender age of two years. The eldest daughter of a poor family with five children from the ethnic minority Rac Lay group in Vietnam's southern province of Binh Thuan, Vuong's left leg became completely paralyzed. She spent her childhood with a wooden crutch, which she accepted as first. But as she grew up, the crutch gradually became a heavy burden for Vuong.

Increased Patient Load and Lower Costs through Clinic Services Integration

Visitors receive methadone treatment in Dien Bien. USAID photo

Bringing people and services under one roof is paying off for people living with HIV/AIDS in Ho Chi Minh City and other cities around Vietnam. In December 2011, USAID/Vietnam began working with the Ho Chi Minh City Provincial AIDS Committee and District 8 Preventive Medicine Center to integrate anti-retroviral treatment (ART), HIV testing and counseling (HTC), and methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) outpatient clinics.

Taking a Chance on New Entrepreneurs: Access to Microloans Stimulates Business Development for PLHIV

Truong Ngoc Hong, a motorbike repairer, is a microfinance recipient in HCMC

After many years serving in the army, Mr. Truong Ngoc Hong returned home to face a battle as a civilian - HIV infection. Mr. Truong struggled to find steady work, and was shunned by his peers due to his HIV-positive status and his inability to provide for his family. He became a freelance worker, repairing motorbikes and working as a motorbike taxi driver. But with only a few simple tools to support his newfound trade, his ability to generate income was limited.

From Brick and Mortar to Stainless Steel: Investor Voices Help Build a Better Business Climate in Vietnam

Employees at the Sonha Corporation produce stainless steel water tanks in Hanoi


Hanoi's skyline is rapidly changing as modern office buildings here, as in other major cities of Vietnam, are rising. Looking down from one of the capital's taller buildings, one can see shiny new water tanks glistening in the midday sun, perched like bright pods atop buildings big and small.

Vietnam Promotes Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure

Tran Thi Ly Bridge in Danang. Photo: R. Nyberg, USAID

When it comes to Vietnam becoming a more competitive destination for investment in the region and achieving its full economic potential, the answer from Truong Quang Hung is clear: "People talk about different issues, but to me, improving infrastructure is vital at this stage of our development."

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