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Access the information you need... Anywhere. Anytime.

Different service providers within the Department offer remote access services based on your specific work requirements. If you need assistance, please contact your individual service provider.


EITS Remote Access Services

Outlook Web Access
(Provides access to unencrypted email only and is suitable for use from any computer.)
Instructions for Using Smail (Secure Email) via Outlook Web Access and a RSA Token (pdf)

Virtual Private Network (VPN)
(Requires a VPN account, provides access to network drives, and is recommended for use only from a DOECOE-provided laptop.)  
DOE VPN Client Installation and Setup Guide (pdf)
Step-by-Step Instructions for WebVPN Connectivity (pdf)
HSPD-12 VPN Authentication Instructions (PowerPedia)

Citrix Workplace
(Provides access to a virtual DOECOE desktop from any computer, but requires installation of a plug-in.) Instructions for Using Two-Factor RSA Token with Citrix Workplace Environment (CWE) (pdf).

Download the active client software for HSPD-12 logon capability

EE Remote Access Services:

EE Direct
(Provides direct remote access to your PC. For assistance or required setup, please call the EE Support Team at 202-586-0388)

Outlook Web Access
(Uses EITS service...)

Citrix Workplace
(Uses EITS service...)


EIA Remote Access Services:

Outlook Web Access
(Provides access to unencrypted email only and is suitable for use from any computer. For assistance, please contact the EIA User Services Center at 202-586-8959)

EIA WebVPN Service
(Provides secured access to EIA resources. Requires a RSA Token and VPN validation account. For assistance, please contact the EIA User Services Center at 202-586-8959.)

IN Remote Access Services:

Outlook Web Access
(Provides access to unencrypted email only and is suitable for use from any computer. For assistance, please contact the IN Help Desk at 202-586-6112)

SC Remote Access Services:

Citrix Workplace
(Provides access to a virtual Science desktop from any computer, but requires installation of a plug-in. For assistance, please contact the SC Help Desk at 301-903-5313)

NOTE: All Remote Access methods require the use of an RSA token.

For assistance, EITS customers may contact the EITS Service Desk at:

Headquarters, Richland and Naval Reactors:
- Phone: +1 (301) 903-2500
- Toll Free: +1 (866) 834-6246
- Email:
- Web (DOE internal):

EITS Service Desk hours of operation are 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM EST / 4:00 AM to 6:00 PM PST, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. 24x7 support is available for remote access, network operations, and cybersecurity.

For emergency “after-hours” Platinum Support, please call: +1 (888) 472-1999
See also the EITS Customer Portal and the Service Status Dashboard for immediate information on service disruptions and scheduled maintenance outages.

We encourage everyone to use these services periodically to ensure effectiveness in the case of a pandemic or catastrophic event.

During Continuity of Operations (COOP) or an event, such as a pandemic, RAS must be used efficiently to ensure the maximum number of customers can be supported. Program Offices should identify the personnel needing remote access, what services (i.e. email, shared folders, intranet, etc.) are needed, and what RAS option each person should use in the event of an extended telework scenario. When possible, Program Offices should have non-essential personnel work offline, and limit the use of RAS to essential personnel only. In addition, the use of one or more RAS options may be restricted to pre-authorized, essential personnel during an event requiring extensive telework.