Note: You need to have Windows Media Player to view the video clips. If your browser doesn't support the plug-in or has problem displaying the video, you can right click to save the "target" or "link" to your local folder.

History and impact -- The sea Lamprey Invasion

  • How they got there (28k, 56K, T1)
  • Sea lamprey life cycle (28k, 56K, T1)
  • Lamprey anatomy and how they feed (28k, 56K, T1)
  • Sea lamprey damage (28k, 56K, T1)
  • Creation of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (28k, 56K, T1)

Sea Lamprey Management -- Managing a Great Lakes Invader

Great Lakes Fishtank -- A gallery of Great Lakes Fish

Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved
Great Lakes Fishery Commission
Last Modified: 12/26/2001