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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

North Pacific Right Whales

North Pacific Right Whale Management in Alaska

Recovery Plan

north Pacific right whale
North Pacific right whale in the Bering Sea. Photo: Bob Pitman, Alaska Fisheries Science Center

Critical Habitat

Oil Lease Sales

  • 73 FR 19095, April 8, 2008. Notice of Minerals Management Services' initial information-gathering steps in a process that incorporates planning and analysis for proposed OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sale 214 in the program area of the North Aleutian Basin Planning Area offshore the State of Alaska. The program area is that subarea of the larger North Aleutian Basin Planning Area identified in the OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program, 2007 to 2012, that may be offered in the proposed Sale 214. Comment period through July 7, 2008.

Stock Status


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