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Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Activities of Turkey undertaken in the scope of the CBD

  The text of the CBD was an outcome of a study launched in 1987 by United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) on the basis of the emerging requirement due to biological diversity accelerated processes which increase pressures on biological diversity biological diversity such as industrialization and urbanization biological diversity.

  In 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, it was agreed by the World Summit on Sustainable Development that biological diversity loss is an important problem that can be prevented from downsizing by way of coordinated international efforts; biological diversity and, the Summit was concluded by important global conventions including the CBD biological diversity to which Turkey also became a party. Turkey signed CBD in 1992 and approved it in 1996. It came into effect on 14 May 1997.

The objectives of the CBD are:

  • the conservation of biological diversity
  • the sustainable use of its components
  • the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources

      The Convention, as a global instrument, guides the Parties in order to evaluate the efficiency of efforts for preserving biological diversity and using the resources in a sustainable way, and to determine ways and means to fill the gaps and provide opportunities in this regard. Turkey is liable to comply with the provisions of the Convention including preparation of a National Biological Diversity Strategy and Action Plan.
