Updated 02/15/2013 03:47 AM   |   ID# 472

Non-covered earnings on my Social Security Statement

My Social Security Statement doesn't show any earnings for 1982 through 1988. I was teaching at a school district. Why don't I receive credit for that work?

Work for a state or local agency-including a school system, college or university, may or may not be covered by Social Security.

If your agency is covered by both your state/local pension plan and Social Security, you pay Social Security and Medicare taxes just as you would for any other Social Security-covered job. Your earnings will appear on your record.

But, if you are covered only by your state or local pension plan and you don't pay Social Security taxes, your earnings will not appear on your Social Security record.  Your record will, however, show your Medicare wages if you pay into that program.

For information on how your pension from non-covered state or local employment may affect your Social Security benefit, refer to our publication, Windfall Elimination Provision.

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