How to Submit Data and Documentation to CDIAC

The data should be submitted to CDIAC using the Metadata Collection Form. Please, chose the type of data you want to submit, type in all information required in these forms, attach the files and click a "Submit" button. You can save the created XML file locally to use it as a template in the future submissions if needed.

Please use the following data file format for the underway pCO2 data submission:

Also, you can use CDIAC special ftp area for submitting the data. You can put your data files in this area, simply following instruction:

  • FTP to (
  • Enter "anonymous" as the user ID
  • Enter your electronic mail address as the password
  • Change to directory "/incoming/ocean.co2"
  • Submit the files using the FTP "put" or "mput" command

If you submit the data using FTP, please send us a metadata information on the data set in a format listed in the metadata forms above.

If you have any problems or questions, please, sent a message to

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