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Potential Nanotechnology Applications for Reducing Freshwater Consumption at Coal-Fired Power Plants: An Early View

A growing challenge to the economic production of electricity from coal-fired power plants is the demand for freshwater. Nanotechnology uses the unique chemical, physical, and biological properties that are associated with materials at the nanoscale to create and use materials, devices, and systems with new functions and properties. This report provides an overview of how applications of nanotechnology could potentially help reduce freshwater use at coal-fired power plants. A variety of nanotechnology applications that could potentially be used to reduce the amount of freshwater consumed by thes areas and activities were identified.

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Department of Energy, 2010, Potential Nanotechnology Applications for Reducing Freshwater Consumption at Coal-Fired Power Plants: An Early View, DOE/NETL-2010/1438, prepared by Argonne National Laboratory for U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, September [D. Elcock]


Elcock, Deborah


Staff Photo  Debbie Elcock

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