Contact Us

If you could not find the information you are looking for on our Web site, try our Food and Nutrition Information Center Custom Search Engine, which will search for information from other relevant and credible sources that have been specially selected:


The Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) is located at the National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, MD near the intersection of U.S. Route 1 and Interstate Route 95/495 (Beltway Exit 25-North), 15 miles northeast of Washington, DC. See a Google Map for our location.

To contact FNIC, users can use the Ask A Question form, E-mail us, call (301) 504-5414 to talk to a Nutrition Information Specialist (Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.), send a fax to (301) 504-6409, or post mail comments to the following address:

Food and Nutrition Information Center
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Avenue, Room 108
Beltsville, MD 20705

This Web site is continually updated. We are interested in hearing any suggestions you have for improvements, as well as descriptions of any other problems (typos, formatting errors, broken links) you have seen.

If you have suggestions for a resource for our web site, please let us know about it if we don't already have it linked. Please review our response restrictions noted below.*

Ask a Question

If you have a question for FNIC, or wish to give feed back, please submit the Ask a Question form. An e-mail address is required for a response. Questions are answered by Nutrition Information Specialists, who are experienced Registered Dietitians. If you have an agricultural related question, please contact NAL's reference staff for assistance.

*Please note that we cannot provide individual medical nutrition advice such as recommendations for foods for special diets or conditions (i.e., diabetes), calorie levels, or advice about whether to use dietary supplements. Consult with your healthcare provider or a Registered Dietitian instead. We also cannot help with homework questions, but can assist with your research.


To find contact information for FNIC Nutrition Information Specialists, NAL services, and other NAL information centers and personnel, please use one of the following directories: