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Calcasieu Lock to Mermentau River
Salinity Monitoring Sites

Calcasieu Lock to Mermentau River Salinity Monitoring Sites
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    - Click Map on salinity site location of interest,
    - or, click on desired site in index table below

Site Index
Calcasieu Lock to Mermentau River
 CL1  Calcasieu Lock West  CL7  Sweet Lake
 CL2  Calcasieu Lock East  CL8  Gibbstown Bridge
 CL3  Black Bayou  CL9  North Canal
 CL4  Government Ditch  CL10  Bell City Drain Ditch
 CL5  Grand Lake Bridge  CL11  Lacassine Bayou
 CL6  Willow Lake  CL12  Mermentau

Calcasieu Lock West Calcasieu Lock East Black Bayou Government Ditch Grand Lake Bridge Willow Lake Sweet Lake Gibbstown Bridge North Canal Bell City Drain Ditch Lacassine Bayou Mermentau
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Page last updated: Jul 1, 2009
District Operations Division site marker