Report Credits

These people were involved in the creation of the 2009 written report, upon which the content of this website is solely based. 

Senior Science Writer

  • Susan J. Hassol, Climate Communication, LLC

Lead Graphic Designer

  • Sara W. Veasey, NOAA National Climatic Data Center

Key Support Personnel

  • Jessica Blunden,
    Editorial Assistant, STG, Inc.
  • Marta Darby,
    Copy Editor, STG, Inc.
  • David Dokken,
    CCSP Technical Advisor, USGCRP
  • Byron Gleason,
    Data Analysis/Visualization, NOAA National Climatic Data Center
  • Glenn M. Hyatt,
    Graphics Support, NOAA National Climatic Data Center
  • Clare Keating,
    Editorial Support, Texas Tech University
  • Staci Lewis,
    Technical Advisor, NOAA
  • Jolene McGill,
    Logistical Support, NOAA National Climatic Data Center
  • Deborah J. Misch,
    Graphics Support, STG, Inc.
  • William Murray,
    Technical Support, STG, Inc.
  • Susan Osborne,
    Copy Editor, STG, Inc.
  • Tim Owen,
    Logistical Support, NOAA National Climatic Data Center
  • Ray Payne,
    Printing Support NOAA Nationa Climatic Data Center
  • Deborah Riddle,
    Graphics Support, NOAA National Climatic Data Center
  • Susanne Skok,
    Copy Editor, STG, Inc.
  • Mara Sprain,
    Editorial Support, STG, Inc.
  • Michael Squires,
    Cartographic Support, NOAA National Climatic Data Center
  • Jeff VanDorn,
    Technical and Graphics Support, ATMOS Research
  • David Wuertz,
    Data Analysis/Visualization, NOAA National Climatic Data Center
  • Christian Zamarra,
    Graphics Support, STG, Inc.

Federal Executive Team

  • Jack A. Kaye,
    Acting Director, U.S. Global Change Research Program
  • Peter A. Schultz,
    Director, U.S. Global Change Research Program Office
  • Mary M. Glackin,
    Lead Agency Principal Representative to CCSP (through January 2009),
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Thomas R. Karl,
    Lead Agency Principal Representative to CCSP,
    Product Lead, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
  • Michael W. Slimak,
    Lead Agency Principal Representative to CCSP,
    Group Chair Synthesis and Assessment Products, Environmental Protection Agency
  • Fabien J.G. Laurier,
    Synthesis and Assessment Product Coordinator, U.S. Global Change Research Program Office
  • Anne M. Waple,
    Communications Advisor/Coordinator/Editor, U.S. Global Change Research Program Office:
  • Chad A. McNutt,
    Special Advisor, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Christopher D. Miller,
    Federal Advisory Committee Designated Federal Official, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:

Blue Ribbon Reviewers

  • Robert W. Corell,
    Global Change Program, H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment
  • Robert A. Duce,
    Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University
  • Kristie L. Ebi,
    Independent consultant, ESS, LLC Alexandria, VA
  • Christopher B. Field,
    Carnegie Institution
  • William H. Hooke,
    Atmospheric Policy Program, American Meteorological Society
  • Michael C. MacCracken,
    Climate Institute
  • Linda O. Mearns,
    Environmental and Societal Impacts Group, National Center for Atmospheric Research
  • Gerald A. Meehl,
    Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research
  • John Reilly,
    Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Susan Solomon,
    NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory
  • Steven C. Wofsy,
    Harvard University Communication Reviewers
  • Robert Henson,
    University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  • Jack W. Williams,
    American Meteorological Society

Communication Reviewers

  • Robert Henson,
    University Corporation for Atmospheric Research 
  • Jack W. Williams,
    American Meteorological Society