Arrange for Access

To ensure that all team members will be allowed to enter the Argonne site, make sure that all these tasks are complete before you travel to the APS.

Once the User Office receives your registration, we will work with you on these steps for gaining access. If you have not yet registered as a user, please return to the Getting Started section.

Search for an Existing User Agreement
Make sure each team member is covered by a User Agreement between his or her home institution and the APS. Check this list of existing agreements.

Request a User Agreement
If you don't see the institution you're looking for, or aren't sure, submit this questionnaire to begin the process of establishing an agreement.


Establish a User Account
If needed, establish a user account to pay for proprietary time, supplies, shipping, services, etc.

Plan Your Arrival
When you know which beamline you will be using and the dates of your beam time, contact the User Office. Special arrangements and training are required for your first visit.

Read User Orientation Study Guides
To minimize the time needed for orientation when you arrive, read these study guides in advance. You'll get out to the experiment floor a lot faster.

Know Your Obligations
Remind yourself of your obligations as an APS user.